On the road to BOSTON!

March 2014

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Saint George,Ut,usa

Member Since:

Apr 26, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

  •  PR'S
  • 5k 19:37 (6:18)
  • 8k 34:16 (6:53)
  • 10k 39:46 (6:23)
  • 1/2 1:27:39 (6:41)
  • Full 3:19:41 (7:36)


Short-Term Running Goals:



5K under 20:00- DONE 2013

10K under 40:00  DONE 2013

1/2 marathon under 1:30 DONE 2013

Marathon under 3:25 DONE 2013

5k under 19:00

10k under 39:00

1/2 marathon under 1:29:00

marathon under 3:15:00


I have been married for 31 years. I have two daughters, 25 & 23 and a son 20.


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Torin-9 Lifetime Miles: 259.25
Torin-10 Lifetime Miles: 115.85
Torin-11 Lifetime Miles: 108.55
Altra One-1 Lifetime Miles: 153.05
Altra- Torin- Yellow Lifetime Miles: 28.00
Altra One-2 Lifetime Miles: 263.65
Altra One-3 Lifetime Miles: 326.25
Altra One-4 Lifetime Miles: 521.60
Total Distance
Torin-9 Miles: 195.00Altra-Torin-blue-8 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

20 mile sin the bank- I thought it was going to rain so I went out in the dark prepare...Way over dressed...finally after 15 miles I was able to drop jacket, gloves etc. off and finish the run...much better. It was good to get another long run in this morning, 8:07 pace.

Torin-9 Miles: 20.00
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5.40 miles- after the first mile warmup I averaged 7:37 pace. Hip felt ok, not great, same with the hammy. Hoping to get out again in the morning.

The hip has been very sore since before my long rn on Saturday. Took it easy till this afternoon and decided to go out and give it a nice easy effort. It was a bit windy but nothing bad and the left leg was about 75%......I wanted to get some running in to get the blood circulating and promote some accelerated healing.

Torin-9 Miles: 5.40
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AM: Considered taking another day off running- looks too nice out so I went. Sore hip so I went out slow and gradually built the speed up. Easy 5.40 miles @ 8:25 pace. To dixie Center and back...easy non-stop

Torin-9 Miles: 5.40
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AM:Great recovery run this morning- I went out and ran 10 miles without any breaks.. just churned out the miles. I did a progression run beginning with a 8:48 warmup mile then gradually brought the pace down to 7:55- I wanted to just keep my legs moving and help aide in the healing of my left hip and hammy. I am feeling that it is about 85-90% now and will not push any speed for another few days. (8:09 average pace)


Torin-9 Miles: 10.00
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8 1/2 miles in the bank- 7:56 average pace Tried out a new pair of Altra- Olympus.....I need a few more runs to give my opinion on them.

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23.25 miles in the bank this morning.....8:17 average pace, It felt good to get this run out of the way. My feet are still a challenge with the long run....stupid morton neuromas! Oh well, I choose to do this running thing...LOL have a great day!

Torin-9 Miles: 23.25
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Very easy recovery run this morning- 12.75 miles @ 8:38 pace. Great start to the new week!

Ran out to the end of the trail where they are constructing the new bridge in Washington without any breaks. returned from there
left hip continues to get better each day. Both hammys are somewhat tender.....

Torin-9 Miles: 12.75
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Ran an out and back on the bike path. I had 90 minutes so I went out 5 miles and back keeping the pace even and not pushing. Hammy still has a bit of pain so I don't want to push anything right now. hoping that by Saturday Spectrum 10k I can let things go a bit and have a good race. Averaged 8:15 going out and 8:08 coming back. Most of the way coming back was with a head wind of about 15-20mph...made for a solid workout.

Torin-9 Miles: 10.00
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out and back on the bike path-  very slow.....left hammy is sore, just wanting to get blood flowing. going out 9:-8 pace ennded up at 8:46 for the run

Torin-9 Miles: 11.00
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16 1/2 crappy miles- But even for being crappy miles, they still look the same in my Boston saving account!

 ran out to Sun River to River Road to bloomington Hill-Chevron to Larkspur Park to the trail to home. 8;56 average pace. I felt like ii was working but there was NO speed at all. The first 7 miles are generally uphill so I purposly went out slow to grind those out with the idea that I would run 7:45 to 8:00 for the remainder....Even on the downhills I was around 9/ My left hammy feels weak, hip was ok and my left calf was tight. This affected the whole legs and it was like i was dragging it the whole time. Massage and rest for me!

Torin-9 Miles: 16.50
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10 1/2 slow miles this morning- testing out the hammy.....getting better but no speed in the legs 8:33 average pace

Torin-9 Miles: 10.50
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Went over to the Spectrum 10k finish and hoped to get some warmup miles in and be good to race......not! 2 miles of SLOW running. Mu left leg had nothing, I averaged 9:30 pace for those 2 miles and that was hard.....Very hard to take the bib and chip off and go get breakfst while my friends were racing. It was great to see them all come acreoss the finish line-

Time to take a break and remember the big goal of Boston. I actually made the right decision this morning in not racing, sure I could have done the distnace but I would pay the price for sure.....

Torin-9 Miles: 2.00
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After taking a few days off running and doing some rehab, I went out for a slow 3.75 mile run to see how the leg is progressing. It felt alright, not great 8:20 average pace. More rehab and we will see how things are tomorrow.


Afternoon: 4.25 miles out and back on the trail. 8:11 pace

Working on easy miles, shorter distance and twice a day to get the blood working on the healing process while keeping some running going. These are supoosed to be my high mileage week for the next 3......well I may go for 35 this week. :(

Altra-Torin-blue-8 Miles: 8.00
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Took a drive in to work with Jody Jackson Hughes and ran home. (5.50 miles) Wanted to get a little longer run in with  good temps.My plan as to run 8:00 pace for the run. Legs were feeling good from some rest and I ended up with 7:11 average pace for the run including my warmup mile @ 7:36. Calf has loosened up some and the hammy was taped and loaded with deep-blue essential oil. Never really felt pain but I could tell when to slow down. I feel I am coming back and soon will be out for longer runs to get ready for The Boston Marathon . :)

Torin-9 Miles: 5.50
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Ran to Dixie Center then over Tonaquint to Bloomington Drive then right to home. 7.50 miles @ 8:05 pace

Plus I forgot to add yesterday evening 1.50 run that was crappy- Had been working on the yard pulling out trees etc. and didn't have anything left in the tank and was sore from the work- 8:10 pace


PM  Went out for a very easy run in the dark  4miles @ 8:25 pace

Torin-9 Miles: 13.00
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10 miles in the bank of Boston- 8:15 average pace- late last night i slugged out 4 miles before bed.

Leg is feeling pretty good with the exception of my left calf- It took about 4 miles for it to finally loosen up.

Torin-9 Miles: 10.00
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17 miles in the Bank of Boston- Planned on 17 but hoped to extend to 20.....knee wasn't feeling great so I was satisfied with my effort @ 17- Last 12 miles @ 7:45 pace! Hammy feeling good- about 85%, calf the same. We are on our way back to intense training for Boston...4 weeks to go.

This week ended up much better than I had thought it would be. I was looking at getting may be 10 miles in and neded up with 53.50 so far...may go out later this evening for a few more...

Torin-9 Miles: 17.00
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4 miles out and back- Knee is sore and feels weak. Had to take it very easy and kept the pace to 8:30 to 8:40. I am hopinf this will go away soon. I need to get some nileage in over the next couple of weeks......

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5.50 from downtown to home- 7:35 average pace including warm up mile @ 8:40

Knee is feeling stronger today.....

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7.25 miles running on the lame knee. About the same as yesterday....Mile 7 it started feeling better, or maybe I was just getting used to it. (8:03 average pace)

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9 1/2 miles @ 7:55 average pace. Felt pretty good this morning- still have a long way to go to be prepared for Boston and only have 3 weeks to go....

The knee is stronger and not as much pain. Right now I am feeling okay about the knee getting better. The hammy was a bit tender today. The biggest problem I have in running Boston is endurance with the lack of solid training and the feet are not as used to the miles as last year.....hopfully I can get everything together at the right time.

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16.50 Miles in the Bank of Boston- 8+ of those with Deborah P Brown . Went out slow to get warmed up for the first 5+ miles. Then put in 2 miles @ 7:12 pace, then 8.50 miles @ 7:46 pace. Last night I wasn't sure if I should even run. I went in for a deep tissue massage to get the hammy worked out and didn't know if I should run on it. Glad I did. The knee was great and the hammy did very well considering. Would have liked to gt 20 miles but I had to go with the body and accept a solid run. 3 weeks to The Boston Marathon .

Torin-9 Miles: 16.50
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6.20 miles in the Bank of Boston- 3 weeks from today.......will I be ready????  8:22 average pace. Not much energy today and the left leg is a bit sore but much better than last week

Torin-9 Miles: 6.20
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Torin-9 Miles: 195.00Altra-Torin-blue-8 Miles: 8.00
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