I had a mini exposure to COVID at work on Monday, one of my coworkers tested positive. The result came back last night so today, out of an abundance of caution, all who worked Monday stayed home to quarantine. Thankfully I wasn't near this person for most of the day and we were all wearing protective gear and had HEPA filters at the testing sites, so the chances of me catching it are very slim. Epidemiologists and the U's workplace wellness have cleared me to come back to work tomorrow. We will be testing for COVID on Saturday.
I had therapy over zoom as per usual and afterwards I came to the realization that I was giving up a really good gig by switching jobs. I also realized that it was a mistake and yet another impulsive action carried out due to bipolar disorder. Every job I've had in the last little bit I've gotten to the point I'm at now- where I decide I hate it and change jobs. It's becoming a problem and I know I need to fix it. So, today I rescinded my two week's notice (thankfully they were understanding and happy that I'd be staying). It's going to be really hard for me to fight that urge to quit, but I'm going to do it because I know I need this job and it's a really good one for me.