AM: I ran with Morgan today! Parks loop, 8:00 average. I’m happy to run with her again. She and I are both trying to build up and get back in shape. The pace felt faster than it was and my legs were burning at the end. I was pretty tight. I was planning on adding and going 5 or 6 miles, but opted out of it so I’d have time to go to the training room before work. Good thing too because there were a few freshmen from the football team getting physicals and only one trainer, so it took longer than I thought it would. I probably could have run 2 miles instead of waiting so long. I’m glad I erred on the side of caution and had planned for things taking longer in case they did. Nate checked out my knee and says it’s most likely a tight hamstring, IT band or quad, or all of them, since they all run by and connect at the knee. I haven’t been rolling out like I should due to break time without access to a foam roller until this past week (mine was still in Cedar) and even then forgetting to roll out. Whoops I’ll be better. He says to take ibuprofen 2-3 times a day for a week to help lower the inflammation and roll out and ice cup my knee after I run.
PM: After work I went to the weight room because Coach I said I could come in later during a small window of time after I got off work. I think because that was when he’d be there. So I did the workout the best I could, Coach I corrected me on a few newer exercises because I was doing them wrong. Whoops. They were mostly body weight exercises because this is week 1 of cycle 1. By the end my muscles were very fatigued. I’ve lost a lot of strength. After I finished the workout Coach I looked at my paper, I’d grabbed the wrong one and did workout 2 instead of workout 1 which was on a different piece of paper. Oops. Oh well, I’ll just do day 1 on Thursday. Tomorrow is tissue work.