Today in P90X we actually had a tough workout! We started with a warm up of jump roping 50 times, 40 jumping jacks, 30 squats, running 2 laps around the gym and 10 push ups. We did that 3 times. Then the workout was Steps ups, squat jumps with weights, crunches, running 3 laps, burpees. We did a ladder of 21, 15, 9, 6, 3. Without any recovery just going onto the next set. For example, we did 21 step ups, 21 jump squats, 21 crunches, 3 laps of running, 21 burpees, then we did 15 of each, then 9, then 6, and ending with 3. I was exhausted after. It took me 18:15 to finish and I finished first but there was this dude that didn't do the last burpees so he could finish with out getting lapped by me 3 tines.. That was irritating. It was a good workout that got me super sweaty, we finished late because I stretched after so I didn't have time to shower before class so I just changed... It was gross. I didn't have time to run tonight because we had to pick my aunt up from the airport and I didn't get home until 6 and I still had to study, take a US History quiz, and do my LEAP essay.... busy busy day.