Today we didnt have school, so I went to steiner and did some miles. I went on the treadmill and did a mile warm up at 6:18 pace, then I went to the bike and did 10 miles at 10 resistance because I didnt want to do 10 miles on the treadmill. I have not biked that long in a long time so it actually hurt a lot. While I was biking I saw Mrs. Shields biking and I said hi to her. Overall it was a very painful day running/biking. After that I came home and did my leg weights, crunches, push ups, and lunges. After I studied for Physics for an hour, I went on a shake out run for 2 miles. The shake out run really hurt my legs because I did a ton of weights so my calfs, shins, thighs and others were way sore. After I started running for a half mile they started to loosen up a bit but it hurt all through the run. |