Since I guess there was no track practice today I went on my own run. Well I guess it wasn't my own run but I went on it with my sister Courtney. She never really has gone that far before and since she could not run it for sure she walked it and I ran it because she didn't want me to leave her in the dust and I didn't want to leave her in the dust. So I ran and she walked, I went slow for her to stay with her. So we went to sugar house park to begin with. We decided to go and do 3 laps on the road in the park. When we were in the park I said we should do the state course because then we would only have to do one lap after that and so she would know good cheering spots for next year when the BOYS GO TO STATE!!! So we did the state course and she was exhausted doing that so when we passed the swings she stopped and went swinging while I went and finished the state course and ran the last lap. I did the rest of the state course and the lap at a fast pace because I wanted to get some fast running in today, so I did that in about 13 minutes. I was booking it!!! When I got back to the park where Courtney was I decided while I was there to swing for a bit. So I swung for about 10 minutes:) I decided to go home because I wanted to be done with running for the day. So as she walked home and I ran next to her we went home, we went up the hill in the park onto 21st South and on 21st South until we got to 19th East and from 19th East we went home at a progressively faster pace to finish strong. I came home and I did my weights. I did the machine ones, the weighted calf raises, holding my knee up for a minute thingy, 3 sets of 15 squats, crunches, push ups, and weighted arm swings. Overall it was a very easy day which I think that I needed to get my legs feeling good again. Throughout the entire run, even in the fast parts that I did on my own, I had no pain anywhere even on the back of my knee which means all it was was over use or I pulled something and it needed to rest. That is so good news now I can finally start going faster again.