I surveyed my first period class of 11th graders on what they had for breakfast.
1. granola, yogurt, coffee
2.eggs and sausage
3. frosted mini-wheats with raspberries
4.Mango Tango Odwalla with toast
5. Two PB&J sandwiches. Chocolate milk.
6. cream cheese on pita bread. Chocolate milk
7. Bowl of Lucky Charms. Orange juice.
8. Cinnamon bun. Cinnamon sugar toast. Milk.
9. Nothing.
10. Toast.
11. Ham and Cheese Hot Pocket
12. Water
13. Ensure and a Banana
14. Nothing
15. Nothing
16. A pear.
17.Lucky Charms, strawberries, pop tart, apple juice.
18. Lucky Charms
19. Nothing
PM: 10 miles on the treadmill. Kept it at about 7 minute pace or a little faster.