Had a fun time today. Lot's of us FRB people were at Thanksgiving point today. I love the camaraderie of this blog! Race start I spot Melody. It was good to see her. Knew right away that I wouldn't be keeping up with Melody, she's peaked and quicker than quick right now. With some advice from Jake, I decided to be conservative the first 2 miles. But my problem was what is conservative for me at this time? Haven't run a race since Saint George, weight trained all winter, ran very randomly with no training until March 1st. I have been fatigued a lot. My calf hurts. That's why I call it 5k shenanigans! 1st mile- Way to conservative 7:04 split. I didn't look at my watch at all in the first mile. I just ran on feel of conservative.This was steady incline. Not easy running at all. But I felt good. Well no wonder! I wasn't running that quick sheeesh!
2nd mile, a few meters back I had been caught up to by a bigger gal. No offense but I was like okay, what pace am I running here, this should not be happening. I looked at my watch and had a bit of a wake up call. What am I doing!?!?!?!?! This is way conservative, kick into gear! Just in time for more hills. Split: 6:38 not to shabby of a split for the amount of hill work and twists and turns and garden exploring. Wow. Just wow.
3rd mile I gave it some kick. Split was 6:10, As I turned the corner to head to the finish I could feel what the track work has just begun to do for me. I had plenty left in the tank (thanks to over conservative first mile) and my pace was in the low 5:50's with plenty of breath left and I am pretty sure, more kick. I know this is not my fastest time in a 5k obviously, but for the amount of incline and hill, I feel like I did okay. I am not unhappy and it rekindled the racing fire in my heart. Afterwards I was talking to Walter and Melody about my hurting calf. They helped me figure out that is probably a shin splint. I've never had shin splints in my 10 years of running. This is totally new to me. Any advice anyone wants to offer I will take and consider! I don't want this to become an ongoing problem this summer.I had to warm up significantly for it not to hurt today. That's how it's been most mornings. I had a great time visiting with all of our fast running blog group. I am so amazed at them. I love the warmness of everyone. We are each others biggest fans and cheerleaders. I love seeing everyone do well and meet goals and feel good.
Last thoughts: how about those dead sexy Altra Maniacs? They are total studs and crack me up. I love this blog. :) And..... this year....2012 marks 10 years ago this September that I began running. I have enjoyed every minute of it. I hope to be able to enjoy more years of running and running without injury. I hope I can do significant things this year in honor of my 10 year anniversary. Thanks for letting me blab! 4 miles cool down.