Wow I actually ran 5 miles without much pain! Crossing my fingers that this time I am truly on the upswing. What a year I have had. I was catching some awesome speed in March-April and mileage was climbing then wham-o! Shin splint w/calf pain. Knocked me out for all of May and half of June. Finally start running again feeling good. But still fatigued. Then WHAM-o, low thyroid diagnosed. That's why I've been fatigued. Start taking care of that then wham-o! Shin splint on the other leg. Really?!?! 2012 has not been a good year for me with feeling good in general. I've struggled a lot. I really hope everything clicks back into place. I feel sad that I haven't done one distance race. But now am thinking if I can stay healthy and slowly up miles, I can run the Halloween half. Good times. But ball shriveling cold at the start. Good thing I don't have those.