I had 0 energy after the long weekend of hosting the PV Invite. Somehow I found the will power to knock out some mileage. I hiked the Butterfly trail with some family members then ran it back down to that dirt road that connects to the paved trail behind the sand dunes. I wanted to run until the end of that road and explore that area. It ended up being exactly 2 miles to the end before I turned around. Beautiful scenery and mainly downhill helped me get through SC. Then I cruised the SC parkway road and took the trail to Dixie drive. I had a solid 10 mile stretch and struggled for the last 3. I am proud of myself because I hadn't eaten much all day and I survived through grit and positivity. First 60 mile week of the year. Celebrated and ended my "no soda lent" by drinking a mtn dew. 14.44 miles