AM- Ran from camp and headed back out on the VRRT (love that trail). My focus was to help "Chad" out. He did awesome and turned around about 30 minutes into the run. I decided to press on vs head back with Nathan. Then I caught up to Roberts and the girls. I took a little lead and Keaton followed and passed me. I encouraged him to press on and I followed him all the way to the van at Te-Ah campground. I ran well and I was very impressed by Keaton. Our run was about 100 minutes and had some good climbs. We even ran a little extra once we got to the van. The rain was nice! I added a little once we got back to camp to make sure everyone was back. 10.71 miles
PM- Muddy and fun 20 with the team. Everyone was goofing around in the mud and rain. I am very proud to be a part of this team! 2.52 miles