AM - 12 Morning Joe. I am tired of writing these combo names - this would be balled Green Springs w/ DI extension/PV/Arctic Circle/Lutheran - so I just decided to call this my Morning Joe, since it worked out to be a good 12 miler that will probably by a normal morning starter for me unless I need more or less mileage. Anywho... felt fine, a nice morning out. (Hyper Speed 2 71.25)
afternoon - 9 Shinob Kibe. Didn't really feel like getting out; the team had already run and I was feeling kind of blah. But as usual, once you get going it isn't that bad. Went over to Shinob Kibe and ran up 2 times. Felt slow and sluggish on the first (both really), and I hike more than last time. So it really surprised me that my time was my best timed run up (9:11). Pushed down pretty good and hit a 5:16, also a PR. Wasn't so sure how the second hill would be, but checking time at a mark, I was 10 seconds up on the previous. Tried to push hard, but I was pretty spent. Ended up 8:56. So I was kind of stoked to break 9. Then on the way down, I was being very cautious because my legs were jello - and one wrong step could send you down a very steep mountain side. But still ended up with a 5:11. The worst part of the run was the 2 miles back home up from the river. (Stratus black 929.7)