AM - 3 on the treadmill at 9.0 mph. right calf felt very tight as soon as i got off the belt, i'll see if a couple hours of rest has it feeling good enough for that second AM run. might just start doing these shakeouts on the roads; something about how treadmill running isn't exactly running and forcing myself on one as soon as i wake up, i don't think my legs like it much
PM - 5 on mural, like 6:45 pace. ethan was running there and asked i join him and some UA runner(not gonna pretend i remember his name lol. less me being conceited and more having the memory of a goldfish. it's a miracle i still remember my blog password after 6 years). anyway the first 4 with them was like 7-flat pace then once they dipped i stretched the legs out a bit with a 5:58 last mile that felt very easy