Craig Hudman - Simply Live

December 2011

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Member Since:

Sep 08, 2011



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:


2014 St. George Marathon 2:37:23 PR (1st Master's Race , turned 40 2 days before race)

2014 Big Cottonwood Half 1:11:21 PR

2013 Boston Marathon 2:48:23 

2012 Boise Run For Life 5K 16:59 (1st Overall)

2012 Shelley Spud Run Half Marathon (1st Overall) 

2013 Lake Lowell Half Marathon (1st Overall) 

2013 Idaho Falls Half Marathon (1st Overall) 

2013 Big Cotton Wood Half 1:15:22

Short-Term Running Goals:

Need to think about what my real goals are and what I can accomplish. I feel truly blessed to have accompilished what I have and have no clue as to where I can end up.

Sub 2:45 Marathon

Sub 1:18 Half Marathon 

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running and enjoy just being outside. Stay fit so I can be active in whatever life brings. Make trips to the mountains.

Ski A LOT with my kids. 


Married to Nikki Hudman for 26 years. 5 Kids ages 25-15. Avid fly fisher and skier.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 10.70
Runs With Hutch Lifetime Miles: 1096.11
Brooks Racer T7 Lifetime Miles: 141.01
Adidas Boost Lifetime Miles: 829.06
Adidas Adios 2 Lifetime Miles: 166.80
Saucony Fastwitch 6 Lifetime Miles: 453.19
Brooks Launch (Blue) Lifetime Miles: 716.29
Brooks Launch (Black) Lifetime Miles: 679.98
Brooks Launch Blue Lifetime Miles: 270.75
Brooks Launch 2 Lifetime Miles: 211.02
Hoka Mach 5 Lifetime Miles: 314.06
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Brooks Launch Miles: 128.26Brooks Racer ST5 Miles: 21.53Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 69.64
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

No run to much travel and layovers today.

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Planned on going 10 but I didn't feel quite right today. After 2 miles my legs were feeling really heavy so I decided to call it off at 5 miles and cool down.

Brooks Launch Miles: 5.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I really wanted to do a longer run than this but TM boredom set in after 10 and it was all I could do to do 3 more. Started out slow ran a very easy pace 7:19 for the first 8 miles. After that I reset the TM and did a progression for the last 5 miles starting at a 6:50 and dropping to a 6:15 with the last quarter at a 5:45. I really need to work on my speed. Leg turnover was not real good today. I was also monitoring my HR a little more than normal and man did it spike early, even in the easy portion of my run. I will check it tomorrow again.

Brooks Launch Miles: 13.00
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First off, Jeff you are my hero. This run killed me. I wasn't fully recovered from yesterday my legs were still a little soft. I had predetermined to do a speed work out in some resemblance of my buddy Jeff. So here goes the report....Started out at 6:39 "warm up". And went down from there. 1st 10K 39:16, last 4.2-26:02 (I varied speed all over here because I was blowing up the faster I went) The last .25 I ran at a 5:25 pace. Now everyone that is currently running extended 5:15 paces trying to OTQ are amazing runners. I am starting to appreciate the sheer speed people have so much more. I might have to reevaluate some of my personal goals but I would say that I'm still to stupid and my mind still is saying "that's attainable, an average runner can get there" so with that I'm planning on not walking tomorrow now and still running some type of shake out run with my wife outside if the weather allows. Overall run. 10.64/1:05:18/6:08

Heart Rate was down were is should've been, although one read was 188 bpm which is above my maximum estimated rate of 185. I didn't die and I wasn't completely out of breath at the moment so I'm guessing my max is higher.

I've been very sporadic with my supplements lately, I'm pretty much just on race caps right now. Energy has been decent but I need to get better food in me. All of this junk food will soon be done in a few weeks and all of the sugary temptations gone. I've been reading Suicide by Sugar lately and it definitely adds some guilt to what I've been shoving in my mouth not to mention how I feel. That's probably the biggest factor in why my body just doesn't feel right lately. Or it could be that I'm pushing so hard and not recovering enough i.e. sleep and slow runs...but I've had a break soooo I'm guessing crap food.

Brooks Racer ST5 Miles: 10.64
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Suprisingly I felt better than expected this morning. Legs were a little soft before the run but not too bad. I took it real easy and tried to maintain a slow pace. My wife ditched me for her normal running partner today so this was a bit of a chore. I found myself looking at my watch and backing off more than usual. It ended up being an enjoyable run because I was finally outside and I ran with my dog who hasn't been out in a while.

Sleep wasn't good last night, not sure why.

My foot is still tender. I thought it was almost back to normal but it's not. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 7.19
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I'm not sure what's better, my dog dragging me or a treadmill. The reason for the debate is today my old friend the "dog" came out and it was everything I could do to keep him off of my dog (good thing I had 5 miles left or I would have got a gun drove back and shot him) and at mile 13 a goat decided to follow us. The goat was the worst because it didn't matter how many times I hit him with rocks he wouldn't leave and my dog wanted to eat him so there were frequent stops and jerks. All of them made the last mile feel like 10 miles. 

My stride was short and closed because my quads are still shot. My foot is still feeling "ok". It has not gotten any worse and is slowly feeling better.

I rolled 2000 logged miles today! If someone would've told me at the start of the year I'd do that, I probably would've told them they were crazy. It's been a fun journey and I'm almost ready to restart the odometer back to zero.

I could get used to running outside....two days in a row. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 14.59
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Day 3 running outside this week. Is it December?

MP run. Hit a slow MP right off the bat and just held it for the duration. Tried to push pace a little faster at times but really couldn't quite get there. 10.62/1:11:40/6:45

Legs still fatigued from Tuesday. I may not try to blow myself up like that too often. I'm probably still stupid enough to do it more than I should. 

Taped foot with KT tape. I think it helped. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 10.62
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Nice easy lope this morning with Jeff and Marlin. It was cold but no wind and good company made for a good run.

Briefly thought about doing doubles today until I got home and my foot felt a little soft. So needless to say I'm done until Monday. Tomorrow's break will be very welcome.

Great week of running. Hit a milestone and ran outside 4 times, for December I feel lucky. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 7.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Worked on my speed this morning. 1-2-3 workout. Thanks again Jeff. I think I'm going down this slippery road, listening to different workouts and trying them in the off season. One thing is for sure, this was easier than last week although I did have stomach problems at 8.75 and had to make a pit stop. 10.02/1:03:02/6:17.

Brooks Launch Miles: 10.02
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Planned on more but I had no time at all today and I somehow managed to squeeze this in. I had to run a little faster pace than I originally wanted but I've recovered from yesterday's speed workout so it wasn't a big deal. 6.62/43:32/6:34

Shorts, long sleeves, hat and gloves. Beautiful outside run. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 6.62
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Easy paced TM run. As I ran I watched the tow trucks drive by with wrecked cars and thought I was probably smart to run indoors today or I would've been hit. 

I'm not feeling real good this week. My kids have been sick and I'm wondering if I getting a little taste but not coming down with the whole thing. Yesterday I was in a horrible mood. The stress was really getting to me and I was feeling a lot of weight, today is better but it is going to be a long next few months with all of the building and scheduling taking place. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 14.60
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Headache, joint and muscle aches, on the verge of vomiting. The crud my kids had caught up with me. I tried to fool myself and go to work but came home before noon and slept for 4 hours and I still feel horrible.

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75% better = 25% chance I run today. Feeling ok, but body is still really shaky.

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Early morning group run with Jeff, McKay and Sara. Started out slow and when my legs warmed up I felt good so I left the group a little and ran a bit quicker pace. Legs were feeling really fresh because I haven't ran the last couple of days due to sickness. I maybe better but was awoke at 4 AM by my 8 year old puking. After we got her cleaned up she woke up every 15 minutes doing the same. SO it was an easy decision to get out of bed and go running today. Really feel energized. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 6.62
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Fast MP run. Warm up 1 6:39, 2-8 6:15, 9 6:06, .5 cool down. Overall 9.5/1:00:27/6:22

Decided I need to feel a more consistent MP so I just set the TM and left it. Pace felt pretty good although at the end it was some work maintaining and dropping to faster finishing pace.

Still haven't fully recovered from being sick. My stomach is a mess and I have a real lack of energy. We'll see how this week progresses. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 9.50
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Ok so this beat me up a bit. I did some speed work at first. Quick warm up then 4 miles 24:37 / 6:06 short cool down then 3miles x 2 at 7:01 pace. My legs are blown up. Not sure if its because my mileage has been like a roller coaster the last month and a half or because I was sick last week. Anyways, I can't believe I do things like this to myself. I know it wasn't a hard run and I know I've done a lot worse and felt better but I hurt nonetheless.

Getting excited for Christmas, my 8 year old daughter woke up this morning and her first words were "5 more days till Christmas" with a huge smile on her face. Christmas is great when you're a kid. I love that mine are still little. Really enjoy reading Christmas stories and Christ's birth stories this time of year with them. There is really nothing better than the selfless acts of many, if even they happen more often once a year.

Brooks Racer ST5 Miles: 10.89
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"Dog-Aided" recovery turned progression run.

I'm thankful for warm running tights, synthetic down jackets, balaclavas, compression socks, gloves and running glasses even when they fog up....

1-6:51, 2-6:36, 3-6:30, 4-6:28, 5-5:55 

I forgot a Siberian Husky that goes nuts when it snows and pushes me worse than most running partners could. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 5.15
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Easy paced run. Legs a little tight. Beautiful day, I was wishing I would've brought my cold weather gear so I could've ran outside. I did a lot of visualization of where I would be on my routes as I ran. I forget how much time you have to think on longer distance runs. It was a good time just to relax and meditate and get lost in the run. Today was one of those days that help me to remember the joy of running, the rhythm and peace it brings.

I am thankful that I can run. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 15.05
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1 mile warm up then 3 miles x 3 at HMP/Threshold. Felt better than earlier in the week. Now I'm off work until January 2. Next week looks like a couple days skiing with the kids.

I'm thankful for my family. 

Brooks Launch Miles: 10.60
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8 easy miles, last 2; 1 @ MP, 1 @ threshold with las t 1/4 @ 5:00 pace. Merry Christmas to all.

I'm thankful for Christ.

Brooks Launch Miles: 10.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Ran with Jeff for about 9 miles this morning. It was a great run and I think I was laughing half the time. Weather was awesome this morning no breeze and about as mild as it gets for December. Left Jeff and continued on to loop SRL and then back to the car. In SRL I encountered one of our famous idiot drivers who enjoyed rolling down his window and having his passenger hang out to the window to yell at me. Its all ok because I was enjoying a good pace and run.

I'm starting to like my more neutral Brooks Launch more than my Racers or Adrenaline that have the over pronation support in them. I'm going to get some new shoes here soon to replace my Adrenaline and am thinking about changing things up and getting a different brand.

Had a great Christmas with the kids, just enjoyed watching them. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 14.19
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

4 mile warm up with Nikki. She did really good this morning after running yesterday she said she felt a little tight so it was a good shake out for her. I haven't ran with her in a long time and it was great. Should be a good week running with her.

6.68 miles at or near MP. The cold wind got me a little on the way home and I haven't ran the hill in awhile so it was harder to maintain pace going up. Overall the run felt good.

Now off for a day of playing with the kids, maybe bowling. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 10.68
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TM workout. Started out at MP and worked down to a HMP for a total of 9/56:30/6:17. I took my son to the gym at the urging of my wife and ended up having a pretty good time. He watched Tom and Jerry and ran 3.75 miles, which was great for him. He didn't complain and even talked to me a bunch. I might have to drag him back in one more time before the break is over.

Looks like skiing on Friday as long as it snows. Yeah!! 

Brooks Launch Miles: 9.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Wind, Treadmill, Wind, Treadmill. TM won out so I ran indoors. I had no energy today. Was planning on doing more than double this but just ended the run because I just wasn't feeling it. I checked my heart rate a bunch of times and it was were it should've been, so I'm going to chalk this up to poor fueling and going to bed around 1AM last night after going to Lava last night. The great thing about this is even though it turned out to be a bummer run, I have no training schedule to follow right now so it doesn't matter. At least I got out and did a few miles. Sometimes I feel like an addict...just got to do it to keep me going.

I need some sleep.... 

Brooks Launch Miles: 6.30
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So the bed felt pretty warm this morning and it was tough to peel myself out of it. Good thing for the group run today or I wouldn't have gotten up. Last run of the year with Jeff, Curt, McKay and Andrea.

I didn't feel very good this morning and have felt a little under the weather so it seemed a little tougher than it should. Came home and sat in front of the fireplace trying to get warm but now as I'm away from it I getting cold again.

Year in Review:

I never thought I would run as much as I did this year. It has been fun and I've enjoyed it a lot. When I ran Ogden Half Marathon at the start of the year I never dreamed I would do as well as I did in it. I think it helped fuel a lot of my running this year. The 10K race I did in the middle of the year taught me more about racing strategy. Having a guy sit on my hip for 5 miles only to pass me with about  1/2 left to go gave me a good lesson. And let's not forget St. George, my first marathon. I was planning and training on running it much faster than it turned out but it was a bad week. I've replayed that race in my mind a thousand times on what I could've done better and a million different solutions have come into my mind. So I'm excited to see what a new race season and a few races will teach me this next year. I hope to still have the fire inside next year at this time. Only time and more miles will tell. 

Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 11.22
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Brooks Launch Miles: 128.26Brooks Racer ST5 Miles: 21.53Brooks Adrenaline Miles: 69.64
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