Did my Birthday run today. This year I turned 35... so I had to run 35 miles. Met Logan, Steve, and Marlk at the DC at midnight. Started running around 12:10 a.m. We did 2 DC/ Stonecliff loops @ 12.6 miles. And then one DC loop at 10 miles. It ended up being about .25 long so we stopped running right at 35 miles and walked back in. Steve and Mark did the first loop with us and then headed out. So it left Logan and I for the remaining 22.5 or so miles. It seemed like the first loop really drug... but the second loop went by really fast and the third was shorter anyways so it wasn't too bad. Had perfect conditions under a bright big moon. 55-60 F and no wind. Just great for a long run in the middle of the night. We ended up with a running time of 4:10:46 and a 7:10 min mile avg. Not too shabby. Legs felt pretty good too... hips and hammy werent that bad. Hammy had some sharp pain durning the second loop but I put a heat patch on for the third and it didn't really bother me again. Over all I felt pretty good. Feet took the brunt of it as I think I got a couple blisters on my toes. Other than that and being sleepy... things went about as good as it can. 35 is the new 20 right? Big Thanks to the guys for coming. And Logan for pushing the whole thing out with me.