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St. George Marathon

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St. George,UT,U.S.A

Member Since:

Apr 02, 2005



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

97th at Boston

1:09:40 Half Marathon

2:25:50 Marathon


Short-Term Running Goals:

Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again.

Long-Term Running Goals:

To be able to do it... long term. 


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Baby Jogger Lifetime Miles: 623.95
Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 313.32
Asics TRI Lifetime Miles: 610.65
Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 520.90
Kinvara2 Lifetime Miles: 350.20
Ghost Yellow Lifetime Miles: 374.25
Kestrel Bike Lifetime Miles: 1883.75
NB- Rainbow Lifetime Miles: 57.80
Red Cumulus Lifetime Miles: 594.95
Neon Launch Lifetime Miles: 533.40
DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 467.77
Green Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 479.75
Lunerglide Lifetime Miles: 276.70
Blue Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 528.06
NoosTri Lifetime Miles: 283.07
BlueKinvara Lifetime Miles: 216.60
Innov Lifetime Miles: 58.50
Ride Lifetime Miles: 207.45
NavPeg Lifetime Miles: 162.50
Green K5's Lifetime Miles: 88.00
Total Distance
NavPeg Miles: 7.20Green Pegasus Miles: 6.50Lunerglide Miles: 4.00Green K5's Miles: 26.20
Total Distance

Last chance workout:)

Just did basically the same loop as yesterday with a little  more. After a 2.5 mile warm up I planned on doing 4x800m just out on the road as part of the loop. Hit all of them at 5:00-5:05 pace. The 2nd and 4th were both short at only .4 but I didn't really care. It was the thought that counted. Had about .2 jog between sets for recovery.

Flet so so I guess. Tapering blues have my legs feeling like rail road ties. But this was a good way to get things going. As I felt better after each one the more I did.

50 min's on the bike about 17 miles. Spun the legs out pretty good and worked up a giant sweat.

15 min's on the elliptical after. More loosening of the quads and hips. #tryingmybest

NavPeg Miles: 7.20
Total Distance

Benny boy Van came by this morning for a run. We looped B-hills. Hit a potty stop at the park and then back around. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Talked about the race on Saturday. We both are pretty pumped and ready to pounce. Should be a good one...

It was coldish. 49F and I started out with gloves.


Green Pegasus Miles: 6.50
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4 miles on the treadmill this moring. Felt pretty good. Just went long enough to work out the stomach stuff and get a sweat rolling.

Hoping for some positive mojo... as luck would have it our baby girl had to be put into the hospital this morning. She's had bad colic for most her life. And the past 5 days or so had a fever and now is throwing up everything and dehydrated. Just the way I like to spend my pre race day... STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just hoping for an honest effort tomorrow. I'm bib number 20 and my goal is to finish lower than my projected seed. I'd also like to close of my 10th consecutive STG Marathon with a sub 2:30. If I can do those two things it'll be a good day.

Lunerglide Miles: 4.00
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Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:27:31, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 3
Total Distance

Well.. it's finally here on gone. It was a ok day. Not amazing. I really struggled on the last 5 miles and lost 3 places and a good 2+ min's. I really thought coming into this race I was ready for a little more. Mileage, workouts and even the half a month ago made me think a PR was gonna happen. But the stars didn't totally line up. That's racing. I'm happy I put it on the line. Worked hard. And got my main two goals. Best my #20 bib number in place, and go sub 2:30. I did really want to be in the top 10 but didn't know if it would happen today because of the deep field. But I some how hung on by a few seconds and grabbed that 10th spot. That was good.

Had the worst per race day ever on Friday. We not only had to put the baby in the hospital for dehydration and not eating. But she seemed worse and needed more tests. It ened up being serious because after I finished the race she had gotten a cat scan and found fluid on the brain, with a crack on the back of her skull... and maybe an older crack on the fornt. Plus she had a seizure this morning.... so she had to be life flighted to SLC and that's where we are now. Plus right before bed last night I found out a fellow STG cycling buddy had died from a scuba accident and they found his body yesterday. So in a small way I wasn't mentally "in" this race. Decided to do it and make the best of what I could.

half in 1:13:02- Felt totally in control through the fisrts half. In fact through 20. Never felt like I was overworking and even though at the half that I'd for sure be able to negative split by 2-3 min's on equal effort. But I hit the wall worse than I've ever done before and it was a suffer fest from 21ish or so in.

some key things. the race started like 20 min's late... that has never happened in all my 9 prior races here. A pretty big deal for me because I'd taken my caffine boost 45 min's before the planned 6:40 start. And I just stood there getting cold in the lay-over-time. I also had a pretty good fever. Baby Kaylor had one for the last 4 days and I picked it up Thursday night along with some body aches. Not a bid deal... but a deal. I don't know. It's so hard for me to have a race without some kind of * by it. I just needed and wanted ONE more clean, honset, test to race my brains out and see what I can really do. And I don't think today was ALL of that. And I don't know if I wanna keep trying either. SothatallSUCKS.

But I'm not bummed. Under the circumstances of the day. I did my best and that's all I could have asked of myself. For now I'm gonna have some down time to rethink what I want to do with running.

And hope for the some good news for baby KK.

It was 57 F when I left the house at 4:40 a.m to head over to the busses.

146 lbs when I got home. After yogurt, ice cream powerade, water and coke at the finish... and many many trips to the porta potty:(

Green K5's Miles: 26.20
Total Distance

worst day of my life

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3.5 miles on the treadmill and 20 min's on the elliptical

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30 min's on the spinn bike

30 min's on the ellptical

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6 mile hike on Zen trail with Mik'L

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EZ run with Steve from the DC. Hip hurt  a lot.

Total Distance
NavPeg Miles: 7.20Green Pegasus Miles: 6.50Lunerglide Miles: 4.00Green K5's Miles: 26.20
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