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Highland, Granger, East @ West

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Member Since:

Jan 18, 2007



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:


400= 1:07

800= 2:32

1600= 5:35

5k= 18:59

10k= 38:48

1/2 marathon= 1:24

I took second at USATF Nationals Cross-Country when I was ten. I was 6th at nationals in the 3000 in 2004.


I did lots of competitive running growing up. I'm now 23 and have fibromyalgia and CFS. I just finished nursing school and am going back for my MSN in a few months, but I want to get back in shape and be able to run again.

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Race: Highland, Granger, East @ West (3.1 Miles) 00:19:08, Place overall: 2
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Today we had a meet against highland, west and granger. Highland and West are probably the most competitive schools in the region so it was a good way to see where we are at. We jogged half of the course for the warm-up. Then we did some strides and started the race. The race went really well. I started out good but I was a few steps back from the first place girl. I should have closed the gap and stayed closer to her, but I didn't so she kept putting more and more distance on me. I ended up second and ran a 19:08. It was supposed to be an accurate 5k measured with a wheel, but I'm not convinced. That's a really big improvement from last week so I'm guessing it was a little short. After the race we jogged about a mile. It was a good meet and the girls team won. Hopefully this is an indicator for region. I think our legs are tired especially from monday's workout so on fresh legs I think I can run much better.

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AM- This morning we did the short loop around the VA hospital. Then we did 10x200 jogging 200 in between these were my splits: 45, 41, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 39, 39, 37. Then we jogged 1 lap cooldown for a total of 5 and a half miles.

PM- Tonight we ran at liberty park. We just did 3 laps, on the last lap I threw some surges to help with turn over. The whole run was 4 and a half miles and it took me 34:05.

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We ran up around the zoo, down 1300 s. and back on 1900 e. It was a good run but my shin hurt.

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Race: Orem Kiwanis 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:20:54, Place overall: 40, Place in age division: 4
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The race went ok. It was really muddy and wet on the course and rained throughout the whole race. By the end of the race I was covered in mud. It was kind of cold outside and I had troubles getting a good warm-up. I didn't get a good start probably due to the lack of warm up. When the course bottlenecked I was boxed in and practically had to walk. Once we got to the road I was able to move a little better. I just worked on passing people the whole race. I think I probably passed over 50 people throughout the race. My time wasn't great, and there were a lot of girls that beat me that shouldn't have. I was 4th from 4a but there weren't very many 4a schools there.

Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

AM- This morning we had speed work. I did the warm-up. My shin was hurting pretty bad and I hoped it would warm-up, but it didn't so I did 6 strides on the grass and a 2 lap cooldown.

PM- Tonight my shin wasn't hurting as much I wanted to do the workout I missed in the morning but my dad wanted me to do the workout with the team. We ran up to sunnyside park did 1 lap around, then 8 strides and 1 longer repeat. Then we did one lap around the park and ran back to the school. Once we got to the school I still wanted to do this mornings workout so I started it and did 2 laps slow and then 2 laps speed changes but my shin still hurt and I wouldn't have been able to hit the times I needed to so I stopped. It's frustrating not being able to do important workouts. State is only 2 and a half weeks away so I just need to tough it out for that long. I just wish it would stop hurting it's been hurting for 16 weeks and I'm doing everything I can to help it heal while still running. I can't take time off because it's so close to state, hopefully it will be better by then.

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AM- This morning we did 3 laps at liberty park. We did the first one nice and easy and then the second two we did fireman. It was 4.5 miles and took about 38 minutes.

PM- Today was the last day we are allowed to run on the state course so we went to sugar house park and ran the course. Then we did 2x500 on the course. We did the last part. My times were 2:01 and 1:58. My quads are sore from the strides yesterday. While at the park we saw lots of high schools. Alta, Highland, Orem, and Taylorsville were all there.

PM- Tonight I was going to do the workout with Wasatch Athletics because my shin wasn't hurting too much. I did the 2 mile warm-up and then decided my legs were too tired from running earlier today to get in a quality workout so I didn't do it.

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Today we ran our region course at Cottonwood Complex. While we were there we saw Cottonwood, Olympus, and Skyline. We jogged 2 miles of the course for a warm-up, and then did the course jogging 500 meters and pushing 500 meters like fartlek. It took me about 22 minutes. My shin was hurting alot but I think it was partially because I forgot to take my ibuprophen and didn't realize until afterward. For anyone in region 6 the course is 1200 feet short.

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AM- This morning we did a loop from the track out on 1500 e. to 1700 s. Then down 1700 s. to 1300 e. and back on 1300 e. to 900 s. then up to the track. It was a good workout and I felt like I was able to go a decent pace. My shin didn't hurt too bad so that was good.

PM- Tonight we ran up to sunnyside park and did 1 laps so it was a nice short run, I had my shin wrapped but I think it was too tight because my leg kept falling asleep.

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Today we had our last hard workout of the season. We were doing 20x200 jogging a 200 in between. We did 2 laps slown and then 4 laps of speed changes for a warm-up. My 200's were all between 32 and 38. They felt good even though it was cold outside. It's somewhat frustrating my fastest 200 ever is a 32 but I've never been able to go faster and I don't know why. Maybe that's as fast as I'll ever be in a 200 but it's frustrating because if I'm running with fresh legs I can throw a 32 and not be tired but still can't go faster.


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Today we did 1 mile warm-up, then one mile of speed changes. Then we did 3x400. I ran a 1:13, a 1:15, and a 1:22. On the last one I was tired and totally gave up. Then we jogged a mile cooldown. The workout felt good and I think I'll have a good region on Wednesday.

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Just an easy 2 miles before region tomorrow.

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Race: Region (2.8 Miles) 00:19:42, Place overall: 4
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AM- Did an easy shake out run this morning. Just to the golf course and back I threw in a few strides to loosen up my legs.

PM- We had region today. I felt great! I did some jogging for a warm-up and some strides. Then we ran the race. I felt like I did ok in the race but I didn't run the best race I could have. I ended up fourth. My time was a minute faster than last year so that was really good. I need to be more aggresive in my races and I need to want to hurt because I've just been running and not really racing. What do you guys do to encourage yourselves?

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This morning we went for a nice easy 10 miler. Me and Susannah ran together. We started at Liberty Park and ran to the gate at the mouth of City creek canyon and back. I hadn't eaten anything before the run so i was really looking forward to taking my Gu at the half way. You know your hungry when you want to take a Gu! The run felt good. It took 1:20:37 so just over 8 minute pace. It was sort of cold out but it warmed up and was perfect for running.

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This morning we met at Liberty park for practice. We did one lap for a warm-up. Then we did some fartlek. We did 10x1 minute on and off. We did loops around the pond so we could get a few hills. Then we jogged one lap cooldown. I felt like I had a good workout and pushed myself. My right quad was hurting a bit and I'm not sure why. Hopefully it was just a one time thing.

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Tonight I went for a run at Sugarhouse park but it was dark and scary so after 2 laps I ran along 1300 e. It ended up being just over 5 miles. It felt good and there were a few spots I was able to hit a pretty decent pace.

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Just a lap around sugar house park but my shins were hurting so i stopped

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We jogged one mile warm-up, then a mile of speed changes. Then we did 3x400 I ran a 1:17, 1:15, and 1:14. Then jogged a mile cooldown.

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We ran to the gully and back and threw in a few strides.

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Race: State Cross Country (3 Miles) 00:20:17, Place overall: 23
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Today was state. I had a pretty good race. i was 23rd. It wasn't my best race but it was better than last year and I race the whole thing but I still know I can do better. Now it's time to train for footlocker and nationals.

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I ran from my house to my Grandma's. It was 5.5 miles. I felt like a 90 year old woman attempting to run. I was stiff and sore and didn't warm-up. I intended on running to Sugar house park which is another mile but stopped at her house instead. It was slow but it felt good to get a run in.

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Race: Halloween Fun Run (3.1 Miles) 00:21:40, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 7
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Tonight we did a Halloween Fun Run in American Fork. Me and my Dad warmed up for about a mile. My shins were hurting really bad. Then we ran the race. I didn't start as fast as I wanted to because my shins were hurting but they warmed up and didn't bother me too much after that. My legs started to get tired about 2 miles in. It was an ok race.

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