Murray Fun Days 5K

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AM XC team at Liberty Park, warm up with some strides and two half miles, 2:43, 2:42. 6.5 miles total.

PM 3laps at Liberty in the evening. Dark and alone 4.5 miles 33:02 

11 total for the day. Decided to back off so I would have a 12 mile run left for tomorrow to try getting at least a few longer runs in. Think I will hit Little Mountain in the AM tomorrow before the heat. 

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AM Decided to follow what I had planned the night before and went to the D-News Course to run today. Started at the six mile mark at the East Canyon/ Little mountain junction and ran up Little mountain, up the pine crest turn around then down Emigration to the 18 mile mark on Wasatch. Was nervous about all the down hill and didn't want to beat my legs up too much so the plan was to just lean and try to save the legs, but that is hard to do on this course. Pushed some on the flatter stretches and overall it seems the mile markers came very quickly.  Tons of bikers out. 12 miles total 1:24.12 so not too fast and the uphill for the first 1.5 or so miles does slow the average pace. Hit the first 90 mile week for a long time. So two weeks into my training I am happy about hitting my mileage goal. Just planning to work on aerobic base stuff with very little if any real speed work.

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PM 3 mile loosen up run around the grass loop at Sugar House Park.

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Race: Murray Fun Days 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:19:11, Place in age division: 1
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AM 8 miles total with warm up, race and two short cool down sessions. Then a good helping of Swedish stuffed pancakes from Scaddy's in Murray. Overall the race was fine in Murray today. It was a 5K and I am never as fast as I want to be, but I also never train or really key on a race of  that distance either. Planned on running hard though and after about a half mile mentally said "Oh I am here mainly to watch the team run anyway, let them go (I had a front row seat with a lot of them right in front of me). So I backed off some and ran steady up the first hill with a few runners passing me.  At mile one I was really relaxed and had just passed Dakota, when a guy next to me ask what our split was because he had forgot his watch. I told him me too, because I thought I never started mine, but he quickly said, yes you did and it is on. I looked down and out of habit I guess I had started it. Mile One - 6:17, not fast at all and I don't think I even cared at this point. After the turn around I saw my masters competition not far back and Eric P. and Mel L. seem to have strong finishes, so I tried to pick it up some with out burning up and crashing, just to see how long I could hold them off. MILE 2 at 12:23, so a 6:05 second mile and they still had not passed me and I thought I should relax just a little so I could surge when they made their move, meanwhile, I was catching my number one boy on the XC team and hoping to gain on Natalie, my number one girl. Made the turn on Vine street and got a quick peak behind me and it was Eric about 20 meters back. Relaxed for a few seconds and decided to finally race. It is uphill slightly at this point, so I threw in a couple of surges to hopefully widen our gap and caught some people. Hit the down hill in the park and leaned forward and gave as much as I had. Thought it was all I had but just before the 3 mile I caught Tomy. He is young and strong and will do great this year, and it gave me a burst that I didn't think I had. Worried though and thought it was too soon, but when I started to kick I was hoping either he would come with or I could hold off Eric, who I knew had to be very close. At 3 Miles I knew I started the kick to early, but the crowd was now yelling and it  helped me finsh it up. I passed four more in the last 100 meters and was fourth Master overall, one out of the money, but won my age group. I knew the top two masters and they are a notch above me at most races, anyway. So overall felt good. Now time to put in some big miles for the next one. Final time 19:11, 6:48 for 1.1 so maybe 6:10ish for Mile 3. Natalie hit 19:00 and was our first runner, girl or boy, from the 20 or so kids from our team that raced today. She was fourth women overall. So good job for her. Even if I hate getting beat by girls:) 

Early PM ran on pipeline 10 more miles at 4 pm so a little after the light rain and it was humid. 

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AM 8 miles with the XC team. Started at Sunnyside Park and ran up to Foothill and through the U to our Shriners route, and then up on 11th Ave until just passed the fire station. Turned there and came back the same way. A few of the lead group caught Barn Fever on the way back and the last mile coming back got pretty quick. We have moved the start time up a half an hour but it still became pretty hot.

PM 8 miles up on pipeline trail 

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AM 8 miles with the XC team at Cottonwood Complex. Ran some hills and got in a few strides as well. Cool down was the region course. It was long and hot.

PM 10 miles 7:24 avg hot run and humid this evening. Weighed before and after and lost exactly 3 lbs. on the run. 

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AM 10 miles on pipe line trail with the XC team.

PM 6 miles treadmill at Gold's after the team BBQ. 41:38 So I worked to beat the seven minute guy. 

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AM 6 miles at liberty one lap warm up, one lap fireman, two laps cool down.

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Race: hobbler half (13.1 Miles) 01:22:33, Place overall: 15, Place in age division: 2
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AM Hobbler half, Buses were backed up so did some jogging around the parking lot. Should be at least a couple miles, but will count it as one. No strides, just actively moving around for about 45 minutes waiting for the bus. Got to the top and turned in our bag and started a short jog down the road because Dennis said he was going to try to get it started by 7 am. 

Race was a  fun way to get a work out type tempo run. Didn't want to push too hard because of the downhill beating up my already tired legs. I have been increasing mileage and wanted to be fresh enough to add on at the end and do a long run on Sunday. Stayed sub 6 minutes until seven mile mark. Relaxed a bit and watched some of the kids from the team race, I had a front row seat, they were just ahead of me most of the race. Decided to pick up the pace the last 5K which had some up and flat stretches. Passed five people during this stretch caught Taylor with about a mile and a half left and Natalie with about a mile left. Total time for last 5K 18:16.  Last 1.1 miles 6:18 and was feeling good about the finish. Continued the run with an extra 5 miles to help the kids get to there mileage goals for the week.

PM 4 miles Sugarhouse Park a couple grass loops and a little back to  the car to make it an even 4 miles. 29:48.

Hope to hold it together for a 20 in the morning with Jamal. 

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Picked up jamal and headed to do the Magna Run, Demetrio's secret weapon that got him ready for all his Des News Wins.  Wish we had started an hour earlier, but I told Jamal to sleep until I called and I didn't get out the door until 6 am. This run is for strength, 5 miles up hill, 5 miles rollings big climb hills, turn around, same 5 rolling hills, Last 5 part of the Magna Classic from the good old days, screaming fast and real quad busters. Avg 7 mins on the way back. Good run hot at the end. With a lot of focus to hang with Jamal the last two miles, but I did.


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AM 16.00 miles Today 7-11 Is our annual Slurpee Run for the East High XC team. It goes like this. We meet at Sunnyside park July 11th, because it is free slurpee day, We race around the area running to 7-11's on the list and try to be the first one back without losing it. We hit 7 stores, run in fill up a 7.11oz cup level with a slurpee, eat it as quickly as possible, watch out for brain freeze, then run to the next store and repeat. The loop this year ended at Liberty Park so we would not have to race back up the hill on 800S. and this was much better. The loop was 7.5 miles. And everyone did so good, Tomy was the champion this year, he can down a slurpee pretty fast. A fun day, but like many on the team, this cured me from eating slurpees until next year. Here's my mileage for the day, ran 2.40 with Taylor around the Sunnyside Block, Slurpee Run 7.5 miles, 3.5 miles around Liberty waiting for runners to finish their run, 3.1 miles back to Sunnyside park and then added to it to bring it to what we thought was 16 even, but gmap-pedometer showed longer. Legs are getting better from the race on Saturday and should be healed up in the next day or so. Fun day. 

PM 8.50 miles on the Jordan River Trail was only going to run 6, but on the way back I ran into Demetrio show I finished up with him. The bugs are the worst, swallowed or choked on a bunch. Water at two of the underpasses so had to alter normal run a bit. 

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AM 10 Miles at Wheeler Farm. 10 X 1min fartlek in the middle and a stride relay.

PM 8.50 Miles at Sugar House Park with Wasatch Athletics. Ran two Laps on the grass around the park with Amanda, circled back to the group and started Fartlek workout with them. They were on their 6th of 15 1 Min/ 1 Min so I ran their last 9 with them and added one more to give me ten of them. Finished with a cool down to make it 8.5 total. 

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AM 8.50 Miles with XC team. Today was our rock run up dry creek trail by the JCC.  I started it 5 years ago, and what I have the kids do is select two rocks about the size of an apple, one for each hand, and run the first mile and a half carrying them to the overlook where we have a rock pile that is growing each year. It is a way to think about your arms as you run. not carrying them to high or over swinging. Kind of fun to see the pile grow. Was concerned at first that the trail would be to wet but it was better than I expected. Most of the girls are at girls camp the remainder of the week, but it was nice to see that several got out and ran before they left at 7 am this morning on their own. Good Job, girls.

PM 6 Miles on the treadmill at Gold's Cardio theater. Started at 8.1 and bumped it .1 every half but I was watching Taken an action flick that really gets you moving in the last part of the movie. Ran the last mile at 10 so a 6 minute mile to finish, 41:23 total time. Got in the pool for fifteen minutes and then the Hot tub. 

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AM 10 miles XC team workout. Did a Sugar House Grass lap and then we moved to hill number 3 on the state course. We played 21, and did 400 meter hills. First round went three repeats and Patrick won. Nice to see him push for a reason to win. The way the 21 game works in a nutshell is: You run the hill and jog back (400 hard up and 400 recovery back), I deal out a card in the order of finish at the top. Then we run the hill again and return, deal out another card. Now comes the fun apart, You don't know who has what so there is some bluffing involved. If you are the first to the top of the hill with a 21 you are the winner of that round. So you may be fifth to the top but if you are the first 21 you win. No one with a 21 can beat you. It makes everyone really push, even if they don't have 21, because they love to bluff the potential winners and make them really work for the win. If no one had 21 in that round you deal out another card or they can stand on what they have. Then you run again and repeat up to 5 times. Maximum 5 cards. If you have the closes to 21 and are the first one to the top after the fifth card, you are the winner or if you don't bust you are an automatic winner if you took all 5 cards. So Our first round went 3 hill repeats. Then we played again but changed it to only 200 meters of hill. The second round went all 5 cards so 6 times up to the top:) Taylor won he was holding on a 20. Ran back to where the cars were to put away the cards and then added a grass lap and some running by the stream to get the even ten for the morning. The river is going down at the park now so we can start doing some ice bathes there. Some of the Alta girls were playing in the water after their workout. 

PM 6 miles on the Des News Marathon course. Started at 3.75 mile mark and ran up the canyon for one mile, turned around and ran to the little mountain emigration turn and  then back up to the car. This part of the course has more rolling than you think so it is a nice change up before having to tackle little mountain in the race.  When I got back to the car some bikers were coming off the pioneer trail that is by the bathroom, so I walked down it a mile to see how it would be as a running trail. Looked good as far as I went. If anyone has ran it before, how far can you go and is it a good running trail. Driving home I was amazed how big the full moon was as it came up over the mountain and lite up little dell reservoir. Nice night for a run. Averaged 7:15 but first mile up hill took 9:45.



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AM 6.00 miles at Liberty with XC team. One lap warm up, One lap fireman at a pretty good pace. two laps cool down. Went over a few things with the team about using a foam roller. We have a good group this year and these kids are developing into great runners.

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Race: draper Days 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:19:04, Place overall: 22, Place in age division: 2
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AM Draper Days 5K Got to the park 15 mins before the race so not much time for a warm up.  The race this year was short because we didn't run on the certified course because of road construction. Last year I ran 19:39 on the full course so I will stay call it an improvement over last year because it was maybe 20 seconds short. I know better, but going into the race like many years before, I gave myself an out. An excuse...And you can never run your best when you go into the race accepting defeat. I knew I was at high miles and Des was in a week, so I wasn't that concerned by who finished ahead of me.  Until after the race then I get mad at myself for letting it happen. And maybe I couldn't have done anything about the outcome, but I never fought. I did a cool down run of 6 with Jake, Andrea and Emily. Turned around and added another 1.25 with Devra and Neal. We talked about different strategies for the marathon and how we might be able to help each other. Going for a good run in the morning up on Jeremy Ranch road. Want elevation, distance and soft surface. 

PM 3.5 miles cuz we had to return a few red box DVD's 26:26  

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AM 15 miles decided to sleep until my body wanted to get up. So I slept in until 7 am and drove up to the Jeremy Ranch Road.  Ran to East Canyon and about .40 down the road before during around and heading back the same way.  Saw some deer and a moose. Sure is beautiful up there with the mountain and stream. Cooler temps too. Hit the Nike outlet after and found an old lunar trainer in the womens section that would fit for cheap so I bought it. Went with the black instead of the purple. Two for one massages this weekend at the clinic so headed down the canyon and signed up. 3 hour wait so time for breakfast/lunch. Nice way to relax on a Sunday. 

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AM 10 miles with XC team at SHP. Cemetary loop going two loops in cemetary and a big grass once back at the park. 1:12 

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AM 8.00 miles with XC team Started at Sunnyside Park and headed East up Sunnyside passed the zoo to where the Des News course hits Wasatch. Ran along wasatch to Thunderbird and down to foothill, head south to the drinking fountain at the Parleys trail. Then back along foothill to 1300 S. down to 1900 East north to sunnyside and down to the park. The entire loop is 7.5 so we add the grass loop at the end. Felt good with the effort. Yesterdays run was 7:14 avg and today was 7:18. With a first two miles of straight uphill and a head wind coming out the canyon. Legs are starting to snap. As I cut back the mileage under me will be nice. Avg about 97 miles a week for the last 4 weeks. and the first week was in the heat and humidity of Florida. I have about 30 kids from the team running in the 10K and a couple going to do a half up north. So they give me a pumped fist or a yay when they ask me how many miles for the week and I tell them a much lower number than they expect. Hoping to have them come cheer me in on the course once they are done.   

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AM 6.00 miles XC team Did our short warm up lap, 2.25, strides, Region course with farlek ladder 1,2,3,3,2,1 half mile cool down. Core

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AM XC team 5miles on pipe line. Good elevation and soft

PM 2 miles to finish off my depletion stage. On treadmill, 1st .50 at 8MPH and then bumped to 10 MPH for the next mile, and back to 8 MPH for the last half. Feeling better now, hit the chiropractor for an adjustment, decided to waste the whole afternoon so I then went to the dentist for a root canal for a tooth that has been bugging me. I didn't want to deal with the pain of that too during the race. Bought some new state of the art Glycogen supplement drink, that's what the salesmen said, to drink the next few days. So during the depletion stage I lost 10.2 pounds which is a ton for me. I eat most of it back during the load stage anyway. Time to get focused and pop a good one.

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AM 3.25 miles with XC team, Liberty Park 1 warm up lap, 6 strides, and another lap. Then a nice big breakfast with the kids at the Park cafe, French Toast Foolishness. 

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stretch out.

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y not didn't wanna, so ok.

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des news marathon

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fairmount park with XC team, well followed most of them.

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AM 3.25 Sunnyside w/ XC Gully run

PM .75 and lots of weights at golds hitting sub 8:00 mile pace. 

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AM 6.00 Dry Creek rock run w/XC team.

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AM Liberty Park speed day 4X half mile. 2:47, 2:47, 2:51, 2:50.

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AM met up with Natalie, Tomy, Ben, Amanda, Sarah, and Abigail for long runs in Magna. I ran 17 miles temps not to bad but hot towards the end. Felt like I was pushing at the end. overall good effort for some LSD.

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AM 6.00 miles up on Jeremy Ranch Road. Dakota is back from Europe so it was nice running with him again. I had heard some of the OTC Elite group and Smyth from Mammoth lakes were here training and they were doing their runs as well at Jeremy. Talked to them for a while nice guys, wish Kara Koucher was there, but not that lucky. She heads out on Tuesday. But they said they would try to come to our teams workout this Thursday to talk some to the kids. I think it helped when I told them we were going to have a Dutch oven breakfast after. Hope they make it. It is a rare opportunity to talk to guys at their level. Watching them run so effortless on those rollers was cool. 

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