Am: 3 easy and plyos. Legs were hurting really bad this morning.
Pm: was supposed to be 4x1000's and 300's but ended up stopping after 2. My leg has really been hurting the past few weeks and just could not handle it today. I took ibuprofen and everything. So coach told me to stop and I went and visited marks office. My times for the 1000's were 3:40 and 3:51, I believe. First one was really fast, freakin Trevor and Mia. So it made me not trust their pacing very much anymore hence the second slow time. The lady told me it's probably a muscle strain, I don't remember what the muscle is called. But she didn't seem 100% sure she knew what was wrong with me either. So did some E thinga majiggers that electrified my leg and made my muscles go buzzerk. She also told me to not run as much this week so I think I'll cross train in the morning instead of morning runs, maybe still come to one or so and then I'll still do my workouts in the afternoon. This kinda just put a damper on all my spirits cuz I have all these high goals for myself, even for this weekend and it's gonna be hard to achieve them when I didn't even finish, in my opinion, the most important workout of the week.