Am: 3 with Mia and Liz. Legs were really hurting this morning, well leg I guess. Just that weird shocking sensation going down my leg, don't know what to do about it really. Wasn't going to do plyos cuz they really hurt it but some of the girls seemed to be having a hard time getting motivation to do them so I figured I would do them so they would.
pm: whew long day on the pine view track. Had 4x1000's and 2x300's. Really fast workout today, but it didn't kill me off, definitely hard but not over bearing. Goal time 3:44 times hit were 3:44, 3:45, 3:44, 3:45. Actually my last time came up as a 3:47 I think but we had a faulty start where it was like go..wait..go..wait! Go! So I think I actually ran it in a 3:45. Then the first 300 time was 49 seconds and I don't know my second one. Maybe just a second or two more than that. Weights after, man my limbs were ready to fall off! Good workout