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Member Since:

Jun 03, 2013



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:

I've done track for 3 years now. First time for XC!

1600: 5:35

800: 2:24/p>


3 Mile: 20:56


Short-Term Running Goals:

I plan on going to state this year in track. Hopefully in the 800 or the mile.


I played apples to apples one time and won the cards fabulous and awesome. In the same round! If that doesn't just sum me up I don't know what does :)

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AM: easy 3. Well not super easy, some girls wanted to run with the boys so I tried to keep up for a while but just kinda gave up on that and ran with Josie the rest of the way, at a still faster pace then normal morning runs.

PM: 1 mile warmup then did 4x400's. they were perdy good. My first one was 1:23, then it went 1:25, 1:24, 1:18. So the last 3 were progressive. Did a 1 mile cool then 4 hill sprints and 4x100 fast finishes. It was a good workout. Not too killer but good to work on speed and stuff.

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AM: Michigan!! It felt so much better this time! I mean not better, I felt much more tired. But I improved by a 2 minutes! I wanted to be up by Alli but really I'm not too upset, I'm quite satisfied with the turnout. It was really nice having Kaelie and Josie there to push me. Kaelie and I took turns leading throughout the whole thing and Josie would come up behind us and make us go faster. At the end my tummy was feeling queasy again so I wasn't pushing as hard for the 400 but when Josie came up with me I made sure to stick with her. Finished together at about 32:....something. Prolly in the 20's. So yeah good hard workout. 

PM: Tiring easy 3. Just took it real easy. My knees were kinda hurtin and I was really tired. So nice run being the caboose.

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My knees have been hurtin lots this week so I took morning off to rest them

Felt good. Went 3 to sandbergs. Then 4x200's fast with walk recovery. Feeling good and ready to roll tomorrow. I'm excited cuz I've been hitting my workouts pretty good lately so hopefully that will show in my next few races!

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Race: Cedar All Comers (2.9 Miles) 00:21:04, Place in age division: 8
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Easy 3! Super cold So..I'm getting at it so I can get this out of my system cuz I promised coach Roberts I would not be upset about it all weekend. So got up there, it was super cold. Warmed up about 2.5 miles or so. Got to the starting line, took off my clothes and almost died of frost bite then and there! Ha jk it was just so cold and my hamstrings were pretty tight and kinda sore so when the cold hit them they really tightened up and were tight the whole race. I started out pretty good but I wanted to be up with Alli so I freaked out and tried to catch her. I think this is what set me up for the rest of my race. Cuz my first lap was pretty good but pretty fast. I got up with maskerem and the second lap I was running with Taylor and maskerem. I tried to go with them, my body wouldn't let me. And that kept repeating through the whole race. With Nicole with Brianna and Josie at the end. I didn't quite give up I was trying to surge where I was supposed to but my legs were so tight. I kept telling myself that I would be really disappointed in myself if I didn't pick it up but for some reason it wasn't happening. I finished at 21:04 and its not a bad time. But my goal was to get 3 on the team and go with Alli and I didn't get either of them. And I know people were really expecting me to good things at this race, especially me. And I guess I'm basing too much of my success on how other people did, it's just I know I could've been up there with them. So that's just why I'm really upset about it all. Especially since I've been hitting all my workouts so good this week and last. I just..I dunno there it is.

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Woke up at 4:45 and went running on the region course at 5:15 with Liz and Mia. It was really dark, so it made it really hard to do this workout. We did 3 sets of (2 min on 1 min off,1 min on 30 sec off, 30 sec on 30 sec off) our pace gradually got faster by the third one when we were finally a little more comfortable with running in the drk, ha and then Liz tripped. So maybe not our fastest workout but we did it. Then went to help out with the marathon! Cheered on coach and my dad that was fun.

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2k's this morning. My times were 3:55, 3:58. So the second one was slower but they both were fast and not too far apart. We were able to pack up really good. Felt good to run this morning.

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Am: easy 3 with the level 3's. Actually wasn't too bad running with the boys. I felt good this morning

Pm: and then I felt not super good this afternoon. I was really tired mentally and physically. My knees hurt and wouldn't warmup and neither would my legs. Did easy 3 to sandbergs and then 4x200's. Just wasn't feeling it today.

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Race: Snow Canyon (3 Miles) 00:20:02, Place in age division: 7
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AM: easy 3 running with Josie and Coach

Race: So the point of running this race was to run as a pack. So Nicole and I were leading at the beginning. I was doing really good the first lap. Stayed up in front of the pack. When we were going around the track mia got ahead of me but the rest of the girls were behind me so I thought I was still doing good. But by the time we hit the trail most of our girls had passed me and were up ahead of me. I was trying to catch back up but that's kinda hard when they are running the same pace as you. I hit the hill and maybe not as hard as I should of. All I could remember was how dead I was after the mother cussa and I wanted to be able to run the rest of the race. At the top it was down hill from there so I was able to push down it. I got to the bottom and maskerem caught up to me. We ran together til we turned around the school right before the track and I let her get away. I thought we only had a 100 spring in so I was disappointed when I found out it was 300 meters. The last 100 I was so dead, obviously, and wasn't going to kick but a cedar girl got in front of me and I could hear one right behind me so I sped up and she didn't catch me. I got 7 out of our girls. I felt a lot better about this race then last week in cedar. I actually got 2 seconds faster then I did there and this was a longer and harder course so I felt good about that. But I don't get why all this time and effort I've been putting in these last few weeks haven't paid off these last two races. Why I cant be up where I was a couple weeks ago. 

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AM: run to AC

PM: easy 3 to green springs and then 4 400's when we got back. My times were 1:25, 1:22, 1:21, 1:17. I was able to stick with the front group on each one. And the last one I was up pushing with Mia. I like the speed stuff we've been doing lately. Hopefully I can actually incorporate some of this stuff into my races. Jeesh

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Am: 1 mile warm up the a 1.5 mile tempo. The tempo felt good we were all right in there the whole time. Which I never really do good on tempos but it felt good :) then did 2 master blasters. On that home stretch it was making me cry, the wind and the cold. Pretty tiring but not killer workout. 1 mile cool.

Pm: 3 to hot nails

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3 with Liz. Felt good to run at 9 I the morning :) I feel ready for region. Roberts lent me a running magazine on Thursday I think and I read a pretty cool article about abbey d'agostino. There were some pretty cool stuff in there and quotes I wrote down and have been thinking about them all weekend. So I'm kinda ready to go race and kick my own butt. I'm not really looking to beat anybody but myself this race because I've been so set on beating people it hasn't had a really positive effect. I just need to kill this mental block in my head.

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Easy 3 with 4x200's. First two were pretty strong but not all out but then Roberts asked us before we started the 3rd one what we were thinking. And if we were thinking we were giving everything. And I knew I wasn't cuz I never really want on the 200's but that time I made sure to stay up with Mia the whole time and on the last one. So ended it strong. Not too nervous for tomorrow, but then I am. It will be good I feel. I know we can do this, we've worked so hard for it.

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Race: Region (3 Miles) 00:21:33, Place in age division: 4
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OH MY GASH!! I have not been this happy in a long time! This was not my fastest race and not my best placing but I have never felt so good and so positive then I did in this race. All week I have been trying to figure out how to channel my energy and frustration and how I am supposed to race. So I came into this race really relaxed. My goal wasn't too beat anybody, my goal wasn't a certain time. My goal was to be happy with my race and myself. I usually don't like when people cheer me on and tell me what to do during a race, and I don't ever remember the stuff I tell myself to do before the race-during the race. But my head was so clear today. I just felt so good!! I made sure to start out good but not to zigzag my way through and waste all my energy at the beginning. I was going to trust myself for 2 miles and pull it in on the third, knowing I'd end up where I needed to be. It was so nice running and pushing with Josie the whole time. It helped so much. (And it's really nice when your thinking of working with your teammates instead of against them). So after the hill on the last lap I was hurting really bad, like you do in races, and I just kept saying Yes, no change in strategy. When the hurt comes you push through, and then I passed Mia and was like "what the?!" and was able to bring it in at the last stretch. Stinkin Josie passing me at the very end ;) but I am just so proud of us and we're going to state!!!

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Not many girls this afternoon. But it was a beautiful day, and a really easy going 5 miles. It was a really nice run :)

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Met at 7:30 it was very chilly this morning! We did Harts warm up and then an all out 1000. My time was something like 3:30 give or take I don't remember the exact time. It was a good hard run. It was like 20 seconds faster then last week because it was all out. But I felt we coulda gone faster. I wasn't as dead at the end as I am when I actually race, so felt good about the push but felt I could've pushed it a little more. Then did harts cool. Might be getting sick or maybe it's just allergies, hopefully will clear up this weekend.

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Had practice at 7:30 again this morning. We did a 1200, 1000, 800, 600, and 400. We really packed well and Nicole and I took turns leading the whole time. It was a good workout, felt like we pushed it pretty hard on each set. Harts warm and cool.

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Had 4x400's today. Did harts warm up. Mia set our pace for the all of them and I started out at a 1:19 so had to keep that for the next 3. My times were 1:19, 1:18, 1:19, and 1:17. So pretty good. My last one felt a lot faster at the end but I must've been tired ha. Did a cool down and my body was having troubles it was just hurting. I got a stiff neck over the weekend but it was pretty much gone today but I think it messed up my back too cuz that hurt so bad on the cool down. I was gonna get adjusted but just didn't have the time. It will be alright tho. So excited for state! This will be a record for me cuz I'm planning on a good race and I haven't had two of those in a row yet this season. So it will be awesome!

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Got off the bus and went and did a 3 mileish run around the mall with a couple striders

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Race: UHSAA State Champs (3 Miles) 00:21:49, Place overall: 60, Place in age division: 6
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Went for a run in the nippy morning around the mall again. Good calm run. 

Got to the course and went for a warm up. I was feeling pretty good about this race. Got to the starting line and took off our clothes to reveal our super rad uniforms. Had a nice warm up start as someone tripped the first time. Started again and I was slowly moving up. Staying with Nicole and Josie. My goal was to stay with Nicole as long as I could. I passed her up after the hill and was pushing with Josie. I felt so good the first two miles. As I was coming around the pond the second time I wanted to give in, but I didn't! And here's the weird thing is that I didn't have a very good end of the race , I kinda fell apart and I don't know why. But I'm still happy with my performance and effort. Because I stayed positive and I kept pushing. I don't know why my body wasn't responding how I wanted it to. But I didn't give up, even if it looked like I did. I really was pushing my hardest til the end. Just when I reached the grass right before the track my legs decided they were done then, which was a bummer. I guess I didn't pass out like Trevor did at the end of his race so I guess I could've pushed more, something just wasn't clicking.After I was done I felt awful, my head pounded for the next 3 hours or so, making my vision hazy. Maybe I was dehydrated or something but I felt so awful after I got done it was hard for me to do anything. I didn't get any energy til after we stopped at Wendy's. So I must've done something wrong, maybe not enough sleep or water or something and that affected my race at the end? Whatever someday I'll figure my body out and all it's issues, but it might not be till the end of the season XD so obviously not the race I wanted but I'm not agonizing over it

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Warm up lap and ultimate frisbee! My team won each time nbd. Tackled a few people in the process but no ones broken or dead so we are successful :)

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AM: morning practice has begun again! It was fun this morning

PM: 4x1000's at a hard pace. These were hard! My times were 4:06, 4:08, 4:07, 4:14. The last one was really off because the wind was blowing so bloody hard. Against us. But yeah these were harder today, my chest/lungs were just not feeling very good the whole time, like something was keeping me from breathing right. But my breathing was fine. My left hip was hurting and the ball of my foot was hurting really bad too :/ Weird things! Anyway it was still a good workout.

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Am: 3 miles

5 miles up to green springs. Half the girls and coach left us at the light so took it real easy with Liz, Jared and Mitch. It was fun :)

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Did our michigan this morning. Being the positive person that I am...naturally I kept trying to figure out a way to get out of this workout. I had to do stuff for my dads bday after school so I was like great! There we go. But ended up doing it in the morning so there was no escape. (Except slacking but we don't tolerate that nonsense) I got 32:32 I think. I really wanted to get in the 31 range but I saw my time was like 30:57 or something when I got on the track so I knew it wasn't gonna happen unless I ripped out state 400 time. But was still happy with my time. I bet if I would've pushed it more my second to last 800 loop I coulda gotten it. My tummy really does hate these things tho. Every single time it's wanted to up chuck on me. Not like from pushing too hard (even tho that's going on  too (; ) but always just gets queasy in the middle. So I donno that's weird. 

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Am: 3 miles

pm: Halloween run. Oh it was so fun. I dressed up as a monk and lent Liz my penguin costume. She was the best. 

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