1:32:05 9:21, 9:22, 9:21, 9:23, 9:17, 9:35, 9:14, 9:03, 8:56, 8:29 I broke up my 10 miler into 2 - 5 mile runs thanks to the fact that the TM turns off after 60 minutes. My first 5 mile run seem to take forever....isn't that always the case though! Stopped, got a drink, ate a few jelly beans and started back up. I had controlled breathing over the whole run. My right hip started to really ache. The same kinda ache that happened during SGM. Still not sure if it is from the hip exercises I've been doing or I really did something to injure it. Blech..... I stretched really good after and foam rolled. Ice bath when I got home....ice baths are cold in the summer, but FREEZING in the winter!
PM: Stretched and foam rolled again.