I decided I'm an emotional basket-case when it comes to running (or lack of running). It is the only thing in my life that I get really grumpy over (when I can't run). But I've been doing a lot of yoga over the past 3-4 days. THAT is the ticket! I can't believe how inflexible I am. No wonder I am getting injured all the time (I'm sure there are other reasons too)....my muscles are so stiff. I really felt much better today and for that I am GRATEFUL!
3x 10 squats with the Smith machine 10 sits with the Smith machine 20 sit ups 10 leg presses 10 assisted pull ups and dips 3 miles on the stair climber (it is NEVER open, so I grabbed the chance while it was available). SUCH a sweaty mess. Lots of stretching 1 hour power nap before the kids got up for school