10.5 miles on the MCT with Kelli S. TT: 1:29:18 AP: 8:31
8:58, 8:56, 8:34, 8:39, 8:37, 8:30, 8:36, 8:24, 8:13, 7:40, 4:07
This was a HUGE confidence booster for me. I haven't run these fast of times in awhile and I was able to negative split the run. Kelli was such a good friend for going with me and pushing the pace. She just had surgery and probably wouldn't have chosen to do 10 miles.
Just an interesting observation....... the days I lift before I run, I seem to run better. Maybe getting that glute activation going on is helping? Just an observation.
trx single leg squat
trx dead lift
trx crunch
trx side plank
trx delt
trx lat pull
overhead ball
tricep dip
ball hammies