WALK/ RUN: 4.1 miles - 50 minutes - 6 minute walk to 4 minute run 5:30 minute walk to 4:30 minute run 5 minute walk to 5 minute run x 3 I had another puking kids last night (9pm ish). But he got his "junk" EVERYWHERE - can't we at least try to aim! So I spent the morning at the laundromat washing his comforter. But he didn't wake up in the middle of the night and when he came down this morning, he asked what was for breakfast. I love the pukes! I had a really good workout this morning (except that the gym was playing Wizard of Oz in the Cardio Cinema room - come on!!!). I had no pain in my ankle and haven't for the past few days. I'm still not calling it good, but it is definitely getting into the range. No bike ride tonight - I'm going to cheer my puker at his soccer game!