I finally recruited Heather to join me for track Tuesday. We ran together a few years ago and did lots of track workouts together. So I knew she could handle it.
I had my normal pretrack workout anxiety and didn't sleep well.
1.5 mile warm up
McMillion Calculators say I should be hitting these paces (I'm not sure about these time!!!!):
400: 1:24-1:36
800: 3:20-3:31
Today Last Week 2 Weeks Ago
800 3:19 3:21 3:27
800 3:17 3:24
800 3:16
400 1:33 1:38 1:35
400 1:34 1:37 1:34
400 1:33 1:32
400 1:34
Running with a buddy certainly makes you run faster. I'm hoping I can keep her coming on Tuesdays! Those 800's were extremely hard. I felt like my gut was going to fall out. But each one got faster....yeah! Getting more comfortable with the uncomfortable.
AM 2: 1 mile with the running camp kids. It was probably more, but it was slow. We have our big race next week!!!
Ive been so tired lately! My husband jokes with me that I need to stop smoking and using drugs and find a better lifestyle choice! Ha Ha! When my kids do their 30 minutes of reading , I totally crash on the couch!!