WALK/RUN - 3.35 Miles - 39:33 minutes (walk 8 minutes, run 2 minutes)
BIKE - 11.74miles - 50:30 minutes (PG High School hill) I can't tell you how glorious it was to run 8 minutes today. Unbelievable! My ankle has been feeling really good. I've been doing a lot of extra exercises, icing and wearing my brace around the house. Crossing my fingers
So my sweet SIL and her family has moved back to UT to attend MBA school. She is a hard core runner too. We even met and raced against each other at a high school national meet (though we didn't know each other). We took the kids bowling yesterday and were talking about "puke zone". No one, except runners or hard core athletes, understand what that phrase really means. I love her and it is been really difficult not to be able to run with her. It has always been our dream to live by each other and train together and I can't. It has been eating me alive. I have really had to put "life" into perspective lately. Onto happier notes: My Peachy turned 3 this week. Man we love this girl! 
