You would think that being in the RS Pres. for my ward, I would know that my Stake was holding a 5k?! I had no idea until the flyer was put on my door at 9pm last night (the night before the race). I decided I would do it! I tried to get a friend & my son to come race with me, but neither wanted to do it with no notice. So I went alone. Glad I did. There was only 3 of us from my ward there! Probably 30 participants? The course was pretty flat except for the UGLY 1/2 mile hill from 2.0-2.5 mi. on the course. I went out fast and just couldn't maintain. Definately not a PR, but a great workout nonetheless and really helped me see where my fitness it at (boohoo). Splits went like this:
1- 7:44- I went out fast and realized 1/2 mi. into it that is was probably too fast. I think I was low 6:00's on the 1st 1/2 mi. I used to be able to go out fast and it would push me through a 5k, not with the shape I'm in now..
2-8:33- the start of mile 2 was the ugly hill as we ran up Price Hills Dr. For any of you from St. George that are familiar with Desert Hills neighborhood- we ran all the way up Price Hills until it meets up with Desert Hills Dr. (yeah, I'm looking for sympathy here)
3-8:34- the last .5 was nice and flat, I was able to get back to low 7:00s for awhile,but too spent to maintain the 7:00s
I went out with the fast gals, met Steve H.'s niece who's on x-country with Logan as her coach (sorry I'm forgetting her name, Cali?). We actually chatted for the first .25 mile which I think killed me off faster than if I hadn't been talking! I stayed as the 3rd place woman for the whole race , but was passed by 2 men- darn it!
The race measured .1 long (3.20) so I used my garmin time at 3.1 for my race time.
It will take awhile for me to get back to the 24:00 5ks, but I'm determined!
(BTW, I really wasn't sure where to log these race miles under VO2 max or Threshold?)