Out and back on Foothill, 8:04 average. Felt better than I thought I would. I’m getting excited for BYUI! I have a couple friends from my home ward that are up there and I have only heard good things about it. My mom thinks it’ll be really good for me. We always stop in Rexburg anytime we go up to my cabin so my family knows it pretty well, which is different from Cedar. I’m only going part-time this next semester so that I can work and ease back into it. It’ll help remind me that I can do well in school and that it was my depression that prevented me from doing as well in classes. I’ve lost a lot of confidence in myself because of what happened, especially in grades. I got my first ever C in Calculus last fall then was failing anatomy and anatomy lab and struggling in all my other classes last semester before I withdrew. I’ve always been an A/B student before then, so I just need to remind myself that I can still succeed in school. I think I’m nervous to do a lot of things because of what happened, but I just need to remember that my depression doesn’t define me and I can do more now that it’s being treated. It definitely affected my ability to focus and stay on top of my work. I often couldn’t even get out of bed so... yeah. That shouldn’t happen again