It’s been crazy around here since my last run which was last Friday. I guess this is a good week to take a recovery week since I still haven’t run and know that I won’t be able to run Saturday either.
I have finished the first phase of my sub 3 marathon plan though. I spent March and April focusing on weight loss and running form. Since I’m not getting any younger, I’ll be 47 this month, I decided there are only 2 ways to become more efficient...lose weight and improve running mechanics. I started at 170 lbs 2 months ago and have gotten down to 150 lbs. I used Chi Running as my guide to improve my form. I wasn’t way off from where Chi Running says I should be, but I have tweaked my form a bit and it is feeling more natural now.
Now to begin a phase 2...slowly increasing mileage. I plan to build a large mileage base through August, then I will spend September and October working on speed.