6 mile warm up at recovery pace 5 K in 21:07 (what a disappointment) 6 mile cool down at recovery pace Total run 15.1 miles AP 8:02
I ran the 5 k as fast as I could and was disappointed in my effort. This list is for me so I can try to keep up my confidence that I can BQ UVM. 1. I am just finishing my first 50 + mile week since the beginning of January 2. I ran 6 miles before doing the 5K 3. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks so probably wasn't carbed up well 4. I usually can peak quickly and still have 3 more weeks before I need to start my taper. 5. My track speed work has not been too bad the last couple weeks. 6. I was wearing my heavy shoes and a fuel belt which probably cost me some time. 7. It was hot!