119 days
AM. I haven't done the Saturday morning rides with the group the last couple months because I hate riding in the dark. The sun is starting to come up earlier now so it was only dark for the first tiny bit today. First day back and we did a climbing day and after having climbed Crossman Peak 3 times yesterday my legs were already tired. It didn't take too many climbs before my legs were completely fried but I pushed on as best I could. We ended up doing 32 miles with a bit 2700 feet of climbing. Also I forgot my gels so I rode without much fuel, just the sports drink I had in my one bottle. I definitely had a bit of a bonk today.
Lunch. After getting home from the ride I quickly showered and ate then headed off to Kingman to ref a high school soccer game. When I got there my quads were pretty sore. Luckily I was the assistant and one team dominated the other 11-1 so there wasn't a lot of running down the sideline to keep up with play. The times I did though my calf was good and my quads ached. I only ran 1.5 miles doing the game which I am grateful for.