"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

Week starting Jan 06, 2008

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 9.35 Month: 60.46 Year: 138.81
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 197.50
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 201.06
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 36.40
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 142.74
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 135.67
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 77.55
Nimbus 27 Grey/Orange Lifetime Miles: 13.00
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I am still not feeling real great from this darn cold I have been fighting the last week, but I dragged my butt out of bed and headed out... I ran the Salem Canal Road to Payson loop, out and back, pace was really slow as the roads were really slick and unstable. My legs were very weak still from being sick and I didn't have alot of energy, I probably should have did only half of my usual mileage as apposed to going the full 6 miles, I think I would have been better served to just do 3 to 4 miles, but I continued on. Total time was 55:44 with an average pace of 9:14, heart rate was at 140, very slow and easy... I will have to see how I feel in the morning, if I haven't improved then I might only go 3 to 4 miles and take it easy the rest of the week until I get over this darn cold, I hope its soon.

My leg has felt pretty good, and I think I am getting close to getting back to 100%, cross my fingers!!!!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Blue (320)


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I ran the Salem Canal Road East to mini GU corner, out and back, I felt alot better this morning which tells me my cold is finally running its course and I am hoping as the week goes on I will get stronger and stronger... My average pace was 8:38 with a total time of 52:12, my heart rate average was 149, which is alittle high for that pace for me so I must still be fighting the infection in my body from the cold. My leg felt good, almost no pain, that is really encouraging and I am hoping as the week goes on I will regain my strength so I can get back on track. My goal is to try and start tackling Harrys hill this month if my leg continues to have no pain and the weather will let me, I will not run that hill unless it is totally dry and clear its just to dangerous otherwise.

I also did the standard core training and strength training on my lower half, and that took about 30 minutes, I have decided incorporate my strength training back during the week, I kind of got lazy there during the holiday's...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (244)

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Roads were snow packed and slick, about 4 inches or so, I really had to take it slow. My average pace was 9:37 with my heart rate average at 148 still way to high, I must still be sick, total time was 58:05. It was pretty warm, I would rather have the snow than fight the cold its alot funner.  My legs were so dead this morning and I think part of it was I didn't refuel my body good enough during the day yesterday, I had nothing to eat until like 6:30pm, and I think the strength training I did after the run had something to do with it as well...  I also didn't sleep real good last night, which could have played a part in my legs telling me to stop at every step!!! I didn't give in though and I powered through all the powdery snow and all my leg issues, pat me on the back!


See ya tomorow.


Kayano 12 Blue (326)

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The roads were alittle better this morning but still icy in some spots, so I still took it pretty slow. I ran the Salem Canal Road east to mini GU corner, out and back... I was alittle faster today and my legs weren't as bad  but I just don't have that spring in my stride yet, I guess that will come as I transition into spring and I don't have to wear all this gear. My average pace was 8:58 with my heart rate average at 146 total time was 54:16. I shaved 4 minutes off yesterday's time, which accounts for the better road conditions... I don't know about my leg, some day's it feels good and then on other days I have alittle pain, nothing that will keep me from running and it always recovers in time fir the next days run, but I want it to be 100%. I have noticed that when I speed up for awhile I start to have some discomfort but not real bad, I just notice that its there, oh well maybe with time it will be 100%...

I also did the lower body weight training and core training, 30 minutes...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (250)

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Rest today, no running. I hope to get in a 10 miler tomorrow morning depending on how I am feeling. I had a relapse with my cold so I stayed in bed this morning and caught up on some much needed sleep, please forgive me for being lazy but I just had to do it!!!

See ya tomorrow.


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I ran out towards Gu corner and then down in the riverbottoms to my 5 mile turn-a-round, took some GU and headed back towards home, I felt really good this morning and my legs had some spring in them today. I could of went more but I like the feeling of having some gas left in the tank I like how that stays with me the rest of the day... I saw the Elk again today and there is one big bull in there that would look good on anybody's wall, my average pace was 8:25 with my heart rate average at 156 and a total time of 1:25:09... I did three marathon pace miles that were about 40 seconds off my real pace, the one was more like a minute, but they felt good to get in, those went as follow's; 8:16(157), 7:52(157), 7:50(158). The rest after those tempo miles were right around a 8:25 minute pace to bring me home. I feel good. And now I get to go watch my boy Ethan play Junior Jazz, talk about the best of both worlds, today is a good day...

See ya on Monday.

Kayano 12 Orange (260)

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