My goal was to run out to mini GU and damn the costs, I was able to do it but my pace each mile just slowed until I was at a slow jog towards the end... My calf did okay but my abdomen did not, its just really tender and sore and I don't know why. My first mile is generally pretty good and then each mile I get slower and slower, its hard to understand. I did pick it up for one mile and I was able to do a 8:26 mile but my stomach area was really sore and it was really sore the rest of the way... I really don't know what to think and I don't know if I should go to the doctor or not, if it is a strain then it will just need to take some time to heal, I just don't know. It has been a tough go the last few months and I guess I'll just keep doing what I can do and see if it gets better the next week or so and if doesn't then I guess I'll need to go to the Doctor. I finished up with some lower body weight training, I feel lucky to just get a run in today.
See you tomorrow.