Today for cross country practice we met at Sunnyside Park for the last summer workout of the year, the day before school starts:( So we started by running up sunnyside over on foothill and down to Guardsman. Then we did the Shriners run through the U campus. From the drinking fountain we went a little less than a mile out along 11th avenue to get an even 4. Then we came back the same way. I started out the run with Natalie and Kevin. At the light the rest of the team caught up to me. So Natalie, RJ, and Kevin and I went to the drinking fountain. We waited for the team to get there then I went along 11th avenue with Bill. My Garmin had to go a bit farther than Bills did so he was ahead of me coming back. He went up another street so I was ahead of him the rest of the run. My goal was to catch Taylor before the run was over. I caught up to Natalie, Taylor and chris going back up foothill. From foothill on I went the rest of the run with Taylor. This was the fastest pace I have ever done for 8 miles, I am very proud of that because it was in the heat of the day without stopping. When we got to the park we did our crunches and push ups. When I got home I did the rest of my core and went for a 2 mile slow run to even out the day. Here is my Garmin Connect: |