Catch Me If You Can

Ice Breaker Triathlon

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Member Since:

Nov 28, 2009



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Just Ran a 4 mile Turkey Race yesterday. Not Too Shabby@26:10

Recent 1mile P.R. 5:15

Ran a Hundred mile week once for fun-not bad for us mortal runners. Going for a 125 week next spring. Why Not?

Marathon. 3:16:42

Half Marathon. 1:30:28 

Short-Term Running Goals:

Races Registered for: 

St. George Half Marathon Jan 23, 2010   Injured Rib

Timp Icebreaker Sprint Tri March 20, 2010 ~1st Division, 4th Overall.

Telos Timp Tri, Sprint April 17, 2010 ~ 1st Place Overall

SGTRI, Olympic Distance Tri May 15, 2010 ~ 3rd Division, 7th Overall

Cache Valley Olympic Distance Tri June 12, 2010 Sick

Scofield Olympic Distance Tri July 17, 2010 ~ 2nd Overall 

BAM Olympic Distance Tri Aug 7, 2010 

The Utah Half Aug 28, 2010 (Half Iron Distance)

St. George Marathon October 2, 2010 

Ironman California Oceanside 70.3 (Half) April 2, 2011 

Ironman St. George May 7, 2011 


Long-Term Running Goals:

Gain  a few PR's~5k PR during Telos Sprint TRI Apr. 17

NASM Personal Trainer Certification-Spring 2010~Studying

Triathlon Training~Coach Heath Thurston~Started Feb.1

Ironman St. George 2011~Registered!

I need some new long Term Goals! ..TBC

Qualify for Kona 


Happily Married for 15 years! :D Have 4 amazing kids. I rock! Hehe.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Launch Zeroed Lifetime Miles: 407.91
Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Lifetime Miles: 201.90
Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Lifetime Miles: 15.21
Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Lifetime Miles: 25.00
Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Lifetime Miles: 32.22
Vff's Sprint Lifetime Miles: 4.07
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 1.00
Race: Ice Breaker Triathlon 01:08:02, Place overall: 4, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

This was my first Triathlon race ever!!! :)

Woke up thinking...ugh...I always do that waking up early tho..5:15a.m. not my favorite hour! Showered, made coffee, and ate breakfast first thing. Then went and pulled everything together..there is a  lot to take to a TRI..I mean I took a bike pump with me, due to not having time to check tire get my bike in a good transition spot, then check tires there. So yeah..Big bike pump..haha.

Arrived at 7:15a.m. to get a good spot for my bike. Parked it right next to David Warden (Owner of Powertri). He assured me it was ok to park in a prime spot with the elite baddies since I HAD gotten there early. We went together to the pool and placed our towels by the exit towel touched his towel!!! was his idea..he said that he would swim faster, so put my towel under his..He was really nice.

The best compliment of my entire life came at the Transition area...David was introducing me to the fellas around and One guy said...hey you look like that girl at Kona...Chrissie Wellington..I was like...HOLY!!! Sweet. :) I like looking like The Ironman World Champion!

8:35 I ate an Oatmean Raisin Walnut ClifBar..ooh lala..There is an indoor track at the American Fork Rec Center so I ran about 5 minutes warmup with 3 20 sec accelerations. Went to the pool at about 8:50 and lined up..We are "seeded" based on what we estimated our swim time at registration. I put 5:40 as my time...many others probably did as my race number ended up being 554. So I went and cozied up with the peeps at around 550. Every 10 seconds they let a swimmer enter..I was watching the fast guys fella I met a few days before the race James Lawrence..what a ham...he was running in the pool for a bunch of it..keeping up with the swimmers..haha.

Swim..My time came..I jumped in like 4 ft out and started swimming... I passed a few swimmers, and had only one guy pass me. The walls were crowded..people stopped there being too polite wondering who would go under the lane line I just found an empty spot on the wall and pushed hard off it angling in to the next lane..The swim is done serpentine fashion if you can guess how that works..I felt my effort may have been 80% max..wasn't sure how hard to push..Time 5:46 for 300meters.

T1..well quite the NUB mess...My coach texted me a bit ago...

 "And what the crap is this eardrop n lipsav in T1?" ..."Ya remember sprint n Olympic is all about transition if u mess it up or take too long you're done."

I got out of the pool and grabbed my towel in slow motion....the locker key fell to the ground that I Had stuffed in there...Ran to my bike drying off with the towel. Well and put in the eardrops to dry out any water still in my ears..and chapstick so I wouldn't get windburn on my lips on the ride..grabbed a sweatshirt, put my gloves in my pocket and zipped it up, noticed grass on my feet and tried to wipe that off...Oh boy..all in transition time was 2:31...This is VERY bad....haha...eek.

I decided against the Flying mount I had been working on in transition practice and adopted David Wardens style..He with all his experience just puts his cycling shoes on in transtion and runs to the mount line in them. I did that..Glad I did..

The Cycling...was fun..It wasn't hard at all..I probably only put in 70% effort if that. I was too busy trying to figure out my gear shifts...I have only had the bike for a few weeks..and only been out on it 1 hour outside total..well only 1 hour outside riding at all total in my whole bike career..haha.... I was slow to start my feet took time to get clamped in..Jitters..then every curve I got all grannie..and slowed too much..the downhill tho..I was very aggressive, passed a lot of people..The dismount was very bad tho..Tried to take my shoes off on the fingers were so frozen, I had no dexterity..I managed my left shoe..but I couldn't get my right shoe off..took 5 tries to undo the velcro while I was completely stopped at the bike finish..Bike time 37:41 for 11.8miles

T2 Ran my bike in barefooted. Got my running shoes on very quick..I had speedlaces attached to my bike helm tho..easy to get off right? Wrong! It took me 7 or 8 tries to get it fingers were too numb to feel...Tried to force it off while still clipped on but it was too snug. Finally I got it open..Put on my baseball cap and ran. T1 time 1:03

Run: Toes were entirely numb...Wondered if I could be running with my toes folded under...Felt that weird. First mile has  a 135ft ascent. I ran it strong but not hard. Second mile was flat mostly, then for the 135ft descent I kicked it in. Started getting the beginnings of side stitches so I exaggerated the exhale hard for quite some time..even tho I wasn't tired...Kept those stitches at bay...Sprinted at the finish..

Did a cartwheel and a girly cheerleader Jump with my arms up at the finish line..Cut my finger bad on something on the grass...haha. This run again wasn't full effort, I felt my pacing was conservative, I could have sped this part up at least 30 seconds in retrospect (if not more)..But it DID feel great to end strong. Time Run 20:59 (3 miles)

Total time 1:08:02.84 (4th overall, 1st in division)...12 seconds behind 3rd place, 40seconds behind 2nd place..Could have shaved at least 1 minute Easy off T1..haha...Oh well...Coach is dallying around in Transition really cost me. I learned a lot today tho..Many mistakes I wont ever make again. :D Not bad for a first TRI tho.

Ooooh! And I met Toby!!! :D I was all goofy at the end of the race..gave her a big hug...and was practically drooling like a madman my mouth was so frozen I couldn't talk right...haha.

I don't take to cold well...I went to my truck and grabbed my ski Jacket and some sweats and put those on..The lady at the food table said..."You need more bodyfat!" Another volunteer said the same thing 15 minutes later..I must have looked like I was dying..I know my lips were blue..the are always blue/purple when I am cold..haha...

I waited forever until the awards..I got a pretty blue medal..I will take a pix of me in it tomorrow maybe. :) 




Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 3.00
From ChrisM on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 06:23:08 from

Nice one Chrissie! (I mean missy!) That's an awesome start to your triathlon to get 1st place in your age div in your first go. LOL at the dallying around in transition!

From vinh on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 07:05:48 from

Awesome race Missy! Congrats! You rocked it for being your first tri. You are truly bada$$! When is the next race?

From Huans32 on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 09:24:57 from

Awesome job Missy. Way to be on your first Tri and taking first in your AG.

From Scott Wesemann on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:08:26 from

I loved your report. Very nice job for your first TRI. It sounds like you learned a lot from your experience, and I am sure you will do even better next time. That actually sounds like a lot of fun.

From ChrisM on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:10:34 from

I forgot to check if you wore socks on the bike or not!

From Burt on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:43:41 from

Ah man! Chris stole my joke. I snooze, I lose.

But seriously, and it's not often that I'm serious on the blog, great job and great report. I'm one of the people acting all nice at the edge of the pool letting people go before me when in reality I'm dying and trying to catch my breath. You did awesome conserving your energy. That's the way to do it. I couldn't have pulled off a 7 min. pace on the run after the swim and bike. Uh, I couldn't have done it before either.

From jun on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 13:24:17 from

Awesome race report. Great job on your race, you really killed it for a first-timer. It sounds like you could really go harder and faster. No matter, on to bigger and better things, right? Again, great job, time to refocus on the next race and get a little climbing in!!!

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 19:58:47 from

Wow, great job in your first tri! Way to go and sounds like you learned a lot to improve for the next time.

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 18:04:34 from

Come on, did the Chapstick work?

From Toby on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:06:08 from

Once again, you ROCKED the house!

From missy on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 23:43:49 from

Chris: TY :D Talked with my coach yesterday on the phone about a bike route..and first thing he said was..."are your ears dry?" ..Teasing me about eardrops.

Vinh..TY! My next race is April 17..another Sprint..but reverse order.

Huans! Ty. :D

Scott: U are so sweet loving my I was writing it I thought..Oh geeze this is too long! I didn't even want to proofread it it was too long for me! You NEED to do a TRI with me Scott. Would be fun..we can park our bikes together..haha.

Chris: No Socks on bike or run.

Burt: You flatter me!! :)Honestly I think I must have been tired but the adrenaline I think masked it.

Jun: Thanks....Yeah, my coach said I raced it more like an Olympic distance. And yes, I am already thinking about the next race...making time goals..and will be hitting the course on Sunday for an easy ride just to get my strategy down. I would have loved climbing with you today...

Ty Jtshad! :) I learned tons!

Paul: The chapstick was great! Was worried about windburn on my lips..haha...Wasn't wearing sunglasses tho, so I had windburn on my Eyeballs!


From missy on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 23:44:26 from

I don't know why but it looks like it erased my Heart for Toby....

From missy on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 23:45:35 from

Well it still erased is a < Greater than symbol put next to a 3 if you can invision that. Haha.

From Toby on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 00:04:52 from

I'm going to ride the course on Saturday. The double hill is going to kick my arse! I need to ride it a few times!

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 07:38:52 from

Missy way to go on your 1st Tri, and getting told you look like a no1 triathlete woooohoooooooo.

Thats one write up I love it, you will be able to work on allot too to improve to no1 by the looks of it :)

you animal you :)

From missy on Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:53:42 from

Toby: I am going to ride it on Sunday..think I will do a bunch of slow loops till I get bored..haha. I wonder how steep the hill is..I need to go check..Icebreaker only had 135ft ascent..and the lovely 135 descent.

Sammieeeee! :)Funny thing about looking coach gave me a racing suit to know the ones that go to your was a TYR. Anyhow..I didn't want to wear it because it would raise expectations..I wanted to wear something more civilian. Haha.

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