| Location: UT, Member Since: Dec 31, 2007 Gender: Female Goal Type: Marathon Finish Running Accomplishments: I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.
But I'm all done with that now. I'm officially a jogger. Short-Term Running Goals: My running goal is to keep on keepin' on.
Long-Term Running Goals: Jog into the sunset. Personal: I like being outside. Favorite Blogs: |
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| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 29.50 | 3.00 | 32.50 |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.30 | 0.00 | 5.30 |
| I rode my stationary bike yesterday. I'm going to try what I learned from Rhett at Boston about keeping the miles moderate (40-50MPW), but really pushing the aerobic limits on cross training. I have a really good spin bike and I can get a pretty good work out--while hopefully saving my knees and back from pounding while I get strong again after Boston & train for UVM in June. I'm still in awe of my Boston experience. I'm so glad I did it. I'm so glad I put myself up to the challenge. It was wonderful to be part of a 24,000 person running team for one weekend, in a wonderful city, with running friends, and old friends. My only regret about Boston was not trying harder. I did not employ the spirit of Michelle properly and looking back, there was no place in the race I really tested my boundries. I just gave a solid effort. I wonder if that was a wasted opportunity particularly in light of the perfect weather we had that day. I did enjoy the course and the experience, but I'll always wonder, could I have done better? Pushed further? Tried harder?. I kept my effort moderately high, but could have performed at least 4-6 minutues better than I did. I probably did not need to stop and thank my 'fan club' at Wellsely. They would have understood I think if I ran by with a simple smile and a wave. But I was caught up and so grateful for the support of strangers. Per my effort overall; Not sure if I was conserving energy because I was unsure of the course challenges (hills), or just plain afraid of success in a major venue. I sometimes have to give myself permission to be fabulous and I get intimidated instead of competative. I'm mulling that one over in my mind these days. I came away in one piece, and aside from the toenails not a lot of microtearing/muscle soreness. I did hurt to go down the narrow steep little stairs of my friends beautiful federalist home the days after the race...but nothing like how I felt last year after Utah Valley Marathon. Anyway, todays run was ok AP 9:24. I'm looking forward to running the Bonneville Shoreline Trail with Josse on Friday. I hope the weather is nice. It was freeeeeeezing last time she took me up there. | Comments(2) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 3.00 | 3.00 | 6.00 |
I did one of my pre-Boston hill routes today at lunch. I am loving the cool, rainy weather. It's so fun to run in drizzly, lush spring rain when you're only doing 6 easy miles (as opposed to intervals or a long run). I totally enjoyed being outside. My run felt really good and I was pleased with the effortless sub 9's. Mile 1.7 and mile 2 were from the bottom of the Provo Temple Hill up a 1.3 miles into the mouth of Rock Canyon. I love doing that 1.3 up hill. It's easier on my body than speed running, and gives me a rockin' aerobic challenge. I could have pushed the pace up the hill, but I'm still being nice to myself post marathon. Those hill repeats though, I did a month ago have left me with a bid of tendonitis just above my achilles. My newest form of tendonitis. I've had it everywhere but there (priformis, knee, elbow). I'm going to use my Arnica ointment, and start again with my flax/omega-3/fish oil regime. Loving these cool rainy Spring afternoon runs! | Add Comment |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 |
I don't know how lucky we will be with this cool-ish weather. But I love it. It allows me to run later in the morning or even at lunchtime. I ran 8ish this morning down to the lake and let the color of the new green leaves and the sound of the river, rushing fat with Spring rain, fill my soul. Training this winter was so hard, and it is satisfying to have a good memory of my Boston accomplishment/experience--but I run overall because of days like today. Mt. Timpanogs so white and majestic. The low clouds clinging to the Wasatch Front like cotton candy. Light rain and soft chilly breeze. An older gentleman stopped me on the trail to ask if I could see the albino Robin he'd spotted, in that tree over there, and he pointed to show me where.... Everyone I crossed the path with today had a cheerful word. I remember so clearly about two weeks ago, during one of my taper runs for Boston and for the first time in forever, 'enjoying' how it felt to run and be outside. I guess the hard work is what eventually makes running in general easier and enjoyable. But I am in love with the seasons, and being outside, and feeling well & strong. I don't want to get all nervous about how many miles I'm supposed to run Saturday. Austensibly, I should have a long run since we are 6 weeks out from Utah Valley. I should be in the 14-17 mile range for 6 weeks out--but I think I'm going to run 8 in the morning and then another 4 in the afternoon to break it up. I did that early on in my Boston training. We'll see. Saturday is the Provo Half Marathon! It's too bad the course will be so ugly with the temporary closure of the trail. I'm going to get my run done early so I can go watch a bunch of my friends cross the finish line: Michelle, Josse, Marion, and my hair-cutter girl, Jenn (who I talked into running this race a few months ago). Not sure who else is running Saturday. And then Happy Birthday to Marion! | Comments(1) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 5.20 | 0.00 | 5.20 |
| Who loves snow in (almost) May? Met Josse for an easy run to the mouth of the canyon. It was good company so I wasn't minding the weather (that and I was wearing a cap to sheild my eyelashes from the blowing flakes). All the flowering pear trees along the path were laden with heavy snow. We were so close to having an actual Spring. Hopefully the weather will be calm tomorrow for a successful half marathon for all my friends. For the record, Josse is looking radiant 21 weeks pregnant. She and Erika are running Provo Half tomorrow so I must add them to my list of finishers to cheer. Talked with Michelle about the course--it winds through all the ugliest neighborhoods in town and misses the rivertrail all together. All those weird turns. I hope there are volunteers at all the places you're supposed to turn so she doesn't get lost (out there in front of everyone else like she'll be). I offered to bring my pink (breast cancer) snuggie to the finish for her, but she just laughed. Why do they all laugh at my snuggie? Sure, go ahead and laugh right up until those post race goose-bump and shivers start when you're soaking wet and it's 40 degrees on May 1st. But no pink snuggie for Michelle--she wants me to stand 200 M from the finish to yell at her to go faster (she gave me exact words, which I will reherse later tonight, but I may surprise her with my improv skills). Hey, I may not be able to run fast, but I CAN in fact yell loud and bossy. Can't wait to see everyone cross the line! Good luck everyone. | Comments(2) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 11.00 | 0.00 | 11.00 |
AP 9:22 Catherine's winding down for Ogden in two weeks. I was really pleased I ran this far, this fast today. We went down the South jetti, which we've never done. It was awesome to be surrounded by water on either side, the wind whipping up the waves and splashing us. The sky was grey and it rained the whole run. We were loving it and kept pretending that we lived in Seattle or Portland. Then I remembered how it was 8:00 a.m. and they were starting the Provo Half Marathon at that moment. I really hoped for the sake of Jenn, Marion and Michelle (and Josse & Ericka) that today was going to be a calm day. But man, it rained, and pelted the whole time. I ran home, grabbed a thermos of hot chocolate and the Snuggie (sure laugh) and got quick to Center Street to position myself close to the finish. First Jeff Mc came in--sailing in ahead of anyone--with no perceivable emotion on his face. He was so focused and intent coming across that finsih it was inspirational. Meanwhile, 5 minutes later came the next runner, then MaryAnn, then Michelle and Tyler. I did as Michelle instructed--yelled loud at her to get a move on and push hard to the end. She championed that last .10 and came in a minute under her expected 1:24. Even in the crappiest weather ever--she sailed right in looking ever the elite. I got to meet Melody too, who had come in third. Those girls make winning a race look easy and natural. That's when you know they're good at it--when it looks easy. It makes me want to run faster. I stood and cheered for all the other elites on down to the 8-9 m/milers coming in. Michelle and I waited a bit, but then Michelle took off to find Marion and run her in. When they came in, I was a little worried--Marion was really concentrating. But once she stopped running she recovered herself. I was great to see her come in. I missed Josse & Ericka, and also Jenn. but I had such a great time cheering for everyone. It was much funner to cheer at the race than to run it :) I have now cooked 5 hours straight and am looking forward to sharing my Chilean Pastel de Choclo and flourless chocolate torte w/ganoche at the party. I've had the best day. Running in the lush cool rain w/Catherine on the jetti, feeling so strong, then seeing my friends achieve their running goals, and then cooking with the same sense of intensity and fun with which I started my day. My kids & their friends ran in and out of the house, and my best neighbor friends came to sit in the kitchen and talk to me while I cooked for hours and hours. And now I get to go to a party and play guitar hero. I Love today. | Comments(2) |
| Slow miles | Fast miles | Total Distance | 29.50 | 3.00 | 32.50 |
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