Who loves snow in (almost) May? Met Josse for an easy run to the mouth of the canyon. It was good company so I wasn't minding the weather (that and I was wearing a cap to sheild my eyelashes from the blowing flakes). All the flowering pear trees along the path were laden with heavy snow. We were so close to having an actual Spring. Hopefully the weather will be calm tomorrow for a successful half marathon for all my friends. For the record, Josse is looking radiant 21 weeks pregnant. She and Erika are running Provo Half tomorrow so I must add them to my list of finishers to cheer. Talked with Michelle about the course--it winds through all the ugliest neighborhoods in town and misses the rivertrail all together. All those weird turns. I hope there are volunteers at all the places you're supposed to turn so she doesn't get lost (out there in front of everyone else like she'll be). I offered to bring my pink (breast cancer) snuggie to the finish for her, but she just laughed. Why do they all laugh at my snuggie? Sure, go ahead and laugh right up until those post race goose-bump and shivers start when you're soaking wet and it's 40 degrees on May 1st. But no pink snuggie for Michelle--she wants me to stand 200 M from the finish to yell at her to go faster (she gave me exact words, which I will reherse later tonight, but I may surprise her with my improv skills). Hey, I may not be able to run fast, but I CAN in fact yell loud and bossy. Can't wait to see everyone cross the line! Good luck everyone. |