I rode my stationary bike yesterday. I'm going to try what I learned from Rhett at Boston about keeping the miles moderate (40-50MPW), but really pushing the aerobic limits on cross training. I have a really good spin bike and I can get a pretty good work out--while hopefully saving my knees and back from pounding while I get strong again after Boston & train for UVM in June. I'm still in awe of my Boston experience. I'm so glad I did it. I'm so glad I put myself up to the challenge. It was wonderful to be part of a 24,000 person running team for one weekend, in a wonderful city, with running friends, and old friends. My only regret about Boston was not trying harder. I did not employ the spirit of Michelle properly and looking back, there was no place in the race I really tested my boundries. I just gave a solid effort. I wonder if that was a wasted opportunity particularly in light of the perfect weather we had that day. I did enjoy the course and the experience, but I'll always wonder, could I have done better? Pushed further? Tried harder?. I kept my effort moderately high, but could have performed at least 4-6 minutues better than I did. I probably did not need to stop and thank my 'fan club' at Wellsely. They would have understood I think if I ran by with a simple smile and a wave. But I was caught up and so grateful for the support of strangers. Per my effort overall; Not sure if I was conserving energy because I was unsure of the course challenges (hills), or just plain afraid of success in a major venue. I sometimes have to give myself permission to be fabulous and I get intimidated instead of competative. I'm mulling that one over in my mind these days. I came away in one piece, and aside from the toenails not a lot of microtearing/muscle soreness. I did hurt to go down the narrow steep little stairs of my friends beautiful federalist home the days after the race...but nothing like how I felt last year after Utah Valley Marathon. Anyway, todays run was ok AP 9:24. I'm looking forward to running the Bonneville Shoreline Trail with Josse on Friday. I hope the weather is nice. It was freeeeeeezing last time she took me up there. |