I ran my first marathon as a teenager in 1981 with my Dad (The Coronado Marathon). Since then I've run St, George (3x) Utah Valley (3x) Ogden (1 full, 2 halves) Park City (1 x) Boston Marathon (1x) Washington DC (1x) Moab Half Marathon (6x) ,Ye Old Freedom Festival 5 & 10K (a million x) and many others.
But I'm all done with that now. I'm officially a jogger.
I'm going to count fast miles this morning just because I ran with Josse :) She said we averaged 8:50's, but I had to make a few pit stops for piriformis/ham stretching and other things...so really the average higher overall. I love that Josse brings her dog now. Running has become our dog's play date (Did I really just write that?). She was saying how she never really considered herself an "animal/dog lover" until she had this lab. I had a lab that died of cancer 3 years ago, and before him, I probably didn't consider myself a 'dog person' either. It's not like I have cross-stich pillows with dog images or funny dog sayings, or framed artwork of my dog looking majestically anywhere in my house--but I'm here to tell you, that as adult woman whose lived through a lot of crap, I've truely embraced the deep and abiding love that comes with the loyalty, unwaivering faith, and enthusiasm of a dog.
So Marion
calls yesterday and asks if I want to run 15 with some other bloggers on the
Jordan River Trail. I take a deep breath and realize I forgot all about
training for the Utah Valley Marathon. I guess I got to start ramping it
up sometime. So, um sure. So I meet her at 6:30, and it's snowing.
Not just snowing, it's blowing SNOW. Weather, I can hack it.
Sure. We get there and Marion
introduces me to Smooth, RAD, Tarzan, and Leslie. I'm thrilled it's a
whole new bunch of cool people and an undiscovered (for me) section of the river trail. A deer
crosses the trail, the river is wide and brown, the snow is sticking to the
ground for some nice traction (it's also pelting us in the eyeballs). I
ran for a bit with RAD when Smooth came along and we started up the hills.
I had never run this trail so was following on faith. Somewhere around 5
miles, I realize the others are no where behind us. But that's ok they
tell me. So get to know RAD (training for her first Marathon) and Smooth (a 12 time Boston
finisher and whose 52 year old, 4"11 self defies all logic). Who in the world could be that cute and tough. I loved it. The
miles go by in spite of the snow, but somewhere after 12ish, I start slowing a
bit. They were
keeping a really steady 9 mm pace and I needed to slow it down. My mileage has been inconsistant the cold was shrinking my ham, hurting my hip in the way of the SGM injury. I followed
them to the end of the trail and let them go ahead. I ran for what seemed
like forever, started to miss my dogs and my can of mace, saw a flock of white
Pelicans. Yes, Pelicans. Who knew Saratoga
Springs had pelicans. A whole flock sitting on
the marsh flew away and the sound was heart stopping. Pelicans are so
big. It reminded me of Baja so I thought about my Dad and my sister for a while. Man this run was taking forever.
I got a little lost in a multi-dimensional segment of the trail near a
campground, and luckily found Leslie and Marion. My ham was killing me, the snow had frozen every ligament and my feet and socks were soaked. We get to the car
and these people have a spread on the tailgate that could feed a
football team (in spite of the pouring snow). So we drank hot chocolate
in our wet shoes, shivering and hypothermic trying to replenish. Sat in the car, laughed, a bit, and ate some more. Then someone
asks Smooth, how far we went (keep in mind I thought we were all running 14 or
15) and she says "Oh a little over 17." No wonder that kicked
my butt. I was not ready for those last 2 miles. I need to be doing better during the weekdays. But they made up for 100 fold with the thermoses and muffins.
Man, those ultra marathoners know how to throw a tailgate party. It was
so great to meet everyone and see a new part of the trail. I can't wait
to go back (I promise to bring the fruit next time!).
Today was glorious weather. Why couldn't Saturday have been like this? Today was clear and mild (about 54 degrees), the mountains were a crisp white border against bright blue skies, and the lake was a glacial green. I've complained about the cold rainy, snowy weather, but today there was a glint of green on everything. So I guess what they say about April showers is true. There were tiny leaflet buds on trees, tender grass, and reeds starting to bud. Life, again made fresh. P.S. Since when do we have pelicans? I saw 4 floating on the lake. Not Osprey or Egret; Pelicans. White feathers and orange beaks (not grey like the ones I see in Baja). I really need a field guide/Audubon Society Guide to our region. I see so many birds and plants I'd like to know the names of. It was really something to see those huge white birds floating on the blue-green water. The run was so-so. My legs felt a little heavy (after Saturday) but not bad. I'm still so glad I had a great distraction to carry me those 17 miles this weekend--snow and all. I would have never done that on my own. I'm getting really inconsistant and undiciplined in both my speed and distances. It was a great check up.
My shoes are still wet from Saturday. Thankfully, today was another gorgeous, mild spring day. I've got so much on my mind this week all I could think about is getting the run over with. So on the plus side, I'm running 9's again, and because I'm in a hurry I can't stop either.
It's becoming more frequent (headaches and insomnia), awesome! Cause I'm not crazy enough already. I never slept at all last night and didn't get out until 7:00. So I could only get in these 4 miles this morning before a 7:30 meeting. It's cloudy now, but the sunrise was all mine. First time I've seen Matt K on the trail (or it's finally light enough to see who is on the trail now). Also, the FRB A.M. team also on the move. This morning's run was hard work. I was tired. Maybe I'll put in a few more miles in the afternoon while kids are at piano, see if I can whip up some total exhaustion black-out. Ahh, elusive sleep.
Yesterday I woke up to pouring rain, a headache, sore throat. I guess that's why I'd been so tired the day before. I actually had to call Josse to cancel our run. It's such a charity run for her, but I missed it. I went to work to get a few things done in the morning, but came home and laid in bed. Later in the day I felt a little better. This morning I slept in (got 11 hours of sleep) and woke up better, but still tired. It's Good Friday and I am filled with thoughts of many Semana Santas past. Easter has always been a special time for me. I'm overwhelmed with feelings this weekend. Being tired and sick makes me more sensitive. I ran late in the afternoon, not feeling my best, but was glad to be outside There was a warm wind and the trees are budded with green nobs. There's a little section close to the house I've always think looks like a party in Spring. It's about 50 feet of wild choke cherry and crab apple trees that line the trail and form a flowered canopy overhead. Today, the budded branches looked like they were about to explode like tiny popcorn kernals. On this Good Friday, I was dreaming of the many Easter's I've spent in Baja looking for and later in life hiding Easter Eggs in the sand dunes. I was contimplating the last Easter I was there 3 years ago for the last time. It seems like a million years ago.
I found the best new home remedy for a cold! Start by getting up at 6:30 a.m. to run 12 miles in the cold rain, then stand in your wet running clothes for two soccer games in a row (don't forget to get rained on!), then take your kids to where they have volunteered to help set up the kiddie Easter Egg hunt at the park (again, keep your wet, salty clothes on WHILE it rains or it won't work), and then come home and drink some hot chicken broth with lemon and fresh garlic. It totally works.
Having a cold is such a bummer. Everything is harder when you feel like you weigh 500 pounds and your lungs don't work right. It's all that Spring weather (plus extra strength kid germs) that does it to me every time. At least I got out today. It felt good and it was pretty outside.
Ran so slowly. Passed Sasha and Jeff on the trail -- I said I was glad it's friday. I enjoy the cold for running, but I am sick of it overall. What's up with spring blossoms and snow, and all the cracked trees? What about 10 inches of snow on Thursday? Global warming indeed.
Thankfully Marion was back from St. George and suggested we go together. So we ran from Will's to Vivian Park for 17. She makes running easy and fun. Ran into Marisa who is training for a Wasatch Back Ultra team. The weather became more and more mild as we ran. It's shaped up to be a nice day. When I came home, my toenails all hurt.
My legs felt heavy, but it's the cardio-vascular weakness that concerns me. It doesn't feel possible to be where I was last year with my running. I peaked in late July, which I know was premature for my 2008 goals. I'm trying to hold back and everything right now, but I feel like a cow meadering through the meadow. To think I was headed to Boston today (this time last year, in my mind). I guess I should just be grateful to be healthy and still running. I am grateful to still be out there. I just feel like deadweight and wish I felt my body would cooperate with my mind on achieving a few goals. On a good note, the world outside is fecund with the smell of manuer and nightshade. Spring has sprung (at least for today).
Last night as my daugher said her prayers she spent 5 minutes naming each and every item of her day she was grateful for. This included: A safe home, healthy food, and soft sheets. She also named every other thing you could possibly think of. But her thoughts have resonated with me since last night. I need to be thankful. More grateful. I complain about and am afraid of far too many things. There will come a day when I am more free than I am now to do the things I'd like. But in the meantime, I need to be more mindful. Today while I ran, someone's black lab joined my animal entourage. My dogs were freaked out by the visitor and it was unnerving at first to have a strange black dog flank me. Having been bitten by three dogs in my life, I was a little worried. But he just followed us the whole way and kept going when we got off the trail. He reminded me a bit of my dear old black lab buried in the back yard. In keeping with the toughts that have been going through my mind: I am grateful to be reminded of my old black lab friend and I am grateful the world is bright green again.
The whole sky was bright pink before the sun rose this morning. I mean, glowing, bright pink. It's crazy how the world does stuff like that and there are hardly any witnesses. When I got onto the trail, I half expected to see the black dog again. I felt like Cesar Milan (the Dog Whisperer) yesterday running with a pack of dogs. But he was nowhere. About two weeks ago a foal was born to the black mare who pastures at the end of the trail. Today that little foal was running all over, kicking up her back legs and bucking around. Then she'd run up to her Mama, who bent her head down to sniff her baby. But then the baby just toustled the hair of her Mama's mane with her nose, and then started jumping around again on those slender, long foal legs. It made me laugh it was so dog-gone-cute.
Josse got back from Hawaii and so came over to run. She looked all tan and rested and was even wearing bright Hawaii colored running gear. I got to hear a little about her vacation; the beaches, the hiking, and kayaking. Probably now for the rest of the day I'm going to dream of Kayaking in Hawaii. There were Kayakers on the river yesterday. I think I'm finally going to get one this year. I keep thinking that since I don't go to Baja anymore I can't justify it as much. I loved to love to Kayak in San Felipe. Early in the morning, before the sun rises, when there is no wind and almost no waves, a porpoise or two may surface around where you'd be paddleing. They always swim parallel to the shore and in groups so even if you only saw one, the water would be churning where they swam below the surface. It was always so thrilling when that happened. Sometimes around here on those soft, still mornings, Utah Lake is a mirror and I dream about hiding a kayak in the bushes so I can have it ready for those moments. A friend showed me how to paddleboard last year. And I did like it, I'd have to that a lot if I lived near the ocean. But I can also take the kayak on the river when it's full in Spring and early summer.
I hitched a ride up to Vivan Park and the first 3 were gorgeous (all things green and tender along the trail after a night of spring rain), the next 4 it poured and I was so glad I was wearing my rain gear and baseball cap so the water just rolled off. It went pretty fast from Will's to the fire station because I decided to listen to music. I had to use the crawl space under one of the bridges because there was so much water on on of the walk ways I had to crawl around it. I was not about to get my shoes and socks wet at mile 12. I did that a few weeks ago and didn't like running in wet shoes. Then around mile 13 I ran through a 'walk' they were having along the trail for the National MS Society. Long runs bring me to a level of sensitivity and spirituality that is hard to escape. I cry at the end of races or during long runs because my defences are down and all the pain or frustration I've held at bay all week, year, or a lifetime, easily overflow the dam. So there were these signs along the trail with public education messages about the symptoms of MS and how many people are affected, and all kinds of facts about MS until I'd had so much information about MS I broke into tears. I stopped and bent over in the middle of the trail, in the middle of the other walkers, put my hands on my knees broke into tears for my sister. It was so ironic to be in the middle of my run and smitten by the realization that MS is forever more going to play a major role in the rest of my life. I just hope my sister's version of it won't be as severe as it sometimes can be. Needless to say I ran the rest of the run like I'd been hit in the stomach and also tired from running, but struggled along to the end. I didn't make bad time overal ( averaged 9:45' )and then I called my sister.
I find Mondays to be the hardest run of the week. My legs are usually dead for a few days after a Saturday long run. But for some unknown reason, not today. I saved my run for lunchtime, since it was so sunny outside (and I wanted to put as much distance between today and last Saturday's 19--especially because they were two 17+ Saturdays in a row). But I got out there and jammed. On Saturday had been talking to Sasha who suggested I run as fast as I can, until I can't anymore than slow it down for the remainder. I ended up sort of farlkeking my run, but averaged 8:40's by the end. And it felt great, which was a real surprize. Besides which, it was gorgeous out. Everything is tender green and the river extra wide today from the melting run off (all that snow in the mountains this weekend). It should be an exciting month with all the run-off. They were setting up the swim dock down at the youth camp. I can't wait for the warmer days.
Josse had the Garmin so I'm taking her word for whatever we did today. I wore mine, but of course, forgot to set it. I've been so good for a few days keeping track. A little more than half-way down the road, Brune picked up and ran with a 10 foot long stick in his mouth hoping we'd throw it for him. It was funny how he carried it with his head held really high so he could balance it, it was huge, like a tightrope walker. Maybe one of these sub 9:00 runs I won't have to catch my breath so often. I hope the aerobic capacity continues to build in the months to come. It's been a problem since PT getting that back. Maybe a body never really gets comfortable being pushed, and can only do what it can do-- like a car. I apparantly run on a 1.0 liter/4 cylinder engine.