I've been biting my nails for the last two weeks at how well or not I would run this race today. It's a hometown race and so sometimes it feels like expectations can be high. I haven't done a ton of speed workouts since being injured this last winter. I have tried off and on, but I kept feeling hurt after the workouts. So I haven't done enough of that. I got a ride with Merri and her hubby and another neighbor this morning. I felt pretty good about today. Sometimes my psyche has let me know before a race that I will do ok. I felt yesterday and today that I would do ok. I wrote down all my splits from last year on my hand near my watch. but I only briefly looked at them during the race. Mostly in the last 3 miles. I knew I didn't want to go out to fast like I did at the Freedom run. So I didn't, and I kept full control over my breathing.Merri went out with the same plan and it was successful for both of us. I felt so lucky to be running side by side with my friend for nearly the whole race. There was a gal up ahead that we kind of targeted to pass. Neither of us ended up being able to, but it was nice to have something to focus on on the dreaded miles through the river bottoms. That is the hardest part of the race. Splits: 7:08, 6:33, 6:40, 6:41, 6:43, 6:58, 1:06. I kind of mentally quit the last mile. I did that at the freedom run as well. But, I've started working on the mental part. And now, in the last few weeks, I feel like something has clicked & changed in my body. I feel like my body has gotten a lot stronger. So I am going to step up my workouts between now and SGM. I can't lie, I was a little sad that I didn't beat my time from last year. I was 16 seconds slower this year. But, after I got home I realized that I am doing ok and I still have time to do even better. Funny note:, during mile 4.5, I passed this guy I know from high school, in the exact same spot I passed him last year. I tapped his arm and said this is total dejavu! I passed you here last year! He laughed. And I continued on. Well, about 5.80 miles and almost to the finish, he came cruising by me, JUST LIKE LAST YEAR! AHAHAHA! It was the twilight zone. We had a laugh over it at the finish line. To funny. My oldest Gavin (11) and my daughter Maile ran the 1 mile, Gavin was 3rd overall, and Maile was 12th female and first in her age group 1-5 yrs old. I was so proud of them. Gavin ran a 6:50 mile. Nice!
Here's to hobble creek and Saint George Marathon training! Ready, set, Gooooooooooooooooooooo!