weights- 10 miles running river trail loop. My avg pace was a 7:25 today. So glad. I've been playing mental games lately. I think I've slowed down a lot in the past 6 months, but I look back at my garmin history and I ran most morning runs at that same avg pace last year. I don't know how my marathon will pan out this year. But I'll try to do my best. I think I train better when I run alone. My last mile, a couple of ladies on road bikes passed by, so I sped up to try and keep up with them. My garmin suddenly spun and looked something like this: ...7:26...7:22......7:18......7:15.... 7:10 Ooooo Lily run faster they are getting away! ...7:08......6:55.....Argh! I'm over it!....7:15.....7:26..... holding steady. :) I make myself laugh sometimes.
There is a psycho looking fella on the trail just after 6:30 these days. He looks like he wants to murder someone. Serious. Freaky. Red hot pink chics half on Saturday. If you want to come and run it, email me and I will give you Marion's email. It's so fun and we EAT after wards!