Today was my hiit sprint day. I did 4 miles of sprinting on/offs. 60
seconds of each speed. I get really SUPER worked over when I do this
each week. I can't begin to tell you the energy it consumes from ones
body. It takes the rest of the day& evening to recover from it. When
you feel like that, you know it's doing it's job. The last .50 of the
mileage I was brisk walking on an incline. My trainer/diet coach turned
up the heat on me yesterday. My diet was re-written as well as my
strength training and cardio. She referred to it as breaking out 'best
mode'. Oh shiz, what have I got myself into!? :)
I worked my core a bit and weight trained my legs after running. My legs are sore now, so I know I did something. This pic was taken a few days ago. My new found bi's and tris and delts. More pics later December to come when I've changed more.