Ran 11.80 this morning. It took a good 30 minutes before a settled into a groove. I felt really good from miles 5-11. :) Worked core and lifted a little before leaving.
I posted up a FB post last night about dreading the fake new years resolution people that come and clog up the gym this month. Well I guess I hit a bad cord because 3 people (one was my cousin) got a bit defensive. Gee, could it be because they are guilty of it? I am of the opinion that having a healthy fit body is a choice an individual makes. You may not agree, but I am not changing my opinion because somebody wants to make a fuss over it. I know that 90% of running/exercising is a mental challenge that has to be overcome. Anybody can do it if they really try, so I don't agree with most people's silly excuses for not doing so. The ones that protest are usually just those who feel guilty for being quitters. So let's all not be quitters in 2011, whatdya say?!? :)