AM- 10.1 total (WU, 8x1000m w/2:30 active rest, CD). Woke up with the same achilles/hamstring pain I had yesterday and some more random tightness, this time on the outside of the same hamstring. I heated my hamstring and achilles in the training room and it seemed to help a little bit. Also, my hamstring doesn't really bother me when I run, mostly just when I walk or go downhill (aka when the knee is fully extended). Very minimal pain for the whole workout. I spiked up for the last few which probably wasn't the best idea and may have aggravated the achilles a little more. Still didn't bother me too much until about halfway through the cool down. Did some cupping on my hamstring after and E-Stim on the achilles.
PM- 3.72 easy on the treadmill. Both spots still seem pretty tight and hurt to roll out, but neither really bothered me during the run.