Swam 166 laps, or about 2.36 miles. Swam first mile in 31:15 and second in 32:15. Lifted for about 50 minutes and rode the stationary bike for 45 minutes. The PT said to try running 2-5 miles today. I went to Willow Park in Lehi and headed north on the JRP. Went 2 miles and started feeling a little pain, turned around to go back to the car and then started feeling more and more pain. He said to just stop if I felt any pain. So, I stopped and walked the last mile back to the car. Did 2.91 miles at 7:53 pace. I know this is stupid to say, but I honestly start to wonder if I'll ever run normal like I did just over a month ago. I know it will come, but it gets a bit frustrating. Back to swimming and lifting for the next couple days.