Ran with St. George Running Club - had a great time and hope I can keep running with them often. We went from the finish of the St. George Marathon up the new finish route 2.75 miles and then back down. Took it up in around 7:10 miles but I thought we were going a little faster, probably because I was talking the whole time (note to self * I will not be carrying on any conversations during the race *). On the way back we ran Diagonal and 300 East at Tempo + pace for a mile and hit it at 5:20. Then we eased in at 6:40 for the last mile. Calmed my nerves for awhile (or so I thought). Went to bed very easy last night at the usual 9:45 ish, but then woke up at 1:00 and tossed and turned as I let thoughts enter my head. So I went out to the couch to watch tv. Eventually the background noise let my brain relax and I fell back asleep around 2:45. Anyway -- I think I am ready for it, tomorrow! Will take and easy 3 or so today with some striders or something to just get it flowing. |