Member Since:
Mar 29, 2008
Goal Type:
Marathon Finish
Running Accomplishments:
2011 Salt Lake City Half 1:42
2010 Buffalo Run 25 K 2:25
2010 St George Marathon 3:48
2011 Mid Mountain Trail Marathon 4:27
2011 Squaw Peak 50 mile 14:00:49
Short-Term Running Goals:
Keep going!
married, 4 children
Favorite Blogs:
Laguna beach run... first run of the year. Im slacking...i guess need to sign up for something eh?
Got a fifteen inch dump of snow last night and took a tour around the neighborhood in the quiet dampening the snow brings. Sweet times. good to be out for a run again.
neighborhood snow run
up under the blue dome on pipeline... slc covered in a blanket of pollution