AM - 10 on missionary, 6:10 pace. wanted to go a few miles longer but really needed a restroom towards the end and there's none available on missionary. i really really really miss sokol(and it's bathrooms)
PM - 4 on mormon mural, 5:49 pace. got impatient and went out while it was still in triple-digit temperatures. last couple steps on mural i felt my left ankle flare up to the smallest possible degree that i could notice, but didn't feel it in the last quarter mile from the field back to the apartment so i'm confident it'll be alright; just confirms my theory that mormon mural is cidium for the ankles, at least for me. i'm sure keeping my foot on the gas and running in heat didn't help but i'm confident the course itself was the main factor. i'll say for the two billionth time i'm homesick(or coursesick) for sokol, hilton and mural back home