AM - 4 on hilton, 5:59 pace. we've got a storm hitting us early this morning(but not by MY definition of early), so it was very windy out there even if it hadn't gotten wet yet. hoping i can beat it out again(that's what s... nevermind) to fit in another morning run
AM2 - 4 w/u, 7 x 200m w/ 1" jogging rec, short c/d for 7. averaged 31.1
swapped my usual morning coffee i have between AM doubles for an energy drink today, i don't know if it was the sugar alcohols(all 1g of them) or something i had for dinner or what, but even on the warmup my stomach felt off despite having the same protein shake for a meal that i've had between every morning double the last 9 days with no issues. anyway by repeat #7 it felt like i was getting punched in the stomach with every step so i stopped there despite wanting to go for 12-16. usually it feels like my aerobic system gets tested before my legs themselves but this one felt pretty easy, my legs just haven't ran much faster in years. gotta re-learn some speed.